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This page is a personal article, and may not conform to WikiFur's standards for tone or neutral writing. As a courtesy, please contact the author, Tarin Coyote, if you wish to make major changes.

See the article about Tarin Coyote. WikiFur User
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FurAffinityFenderBadge.jpg This user has an account at Fur Affinity. Their username is felixsilverclaw.

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I'm Tarin Coyote. My fursona is, as my surname implies, a coyote; a blue one in fact. I was born in Nassawadox, Virginia and currently live in Norfolk, Virgnia. I'm extremely interested in furry history, and enjoy using WikiFur so if there is any way I can be of help, don't hesitate to let me know!

Background (WIP)

I've been a member of the furry fandom since February 15, 2012; I use the date that I created my first "furry" account, which was back on the furry social media site FurNation, as my "official" start date. I learned about the furry community a few months prior, thanks entirely to an anti-furry friend from my hometown that took it upon himself to "warn" me about the supposedly awful furry community in mid-to-late 2011. Instead of just taking his word for it at face value, I decided to research the community for myself and ended up stumbling onto the YouTube account of Wolfee Darkfang. I can't remember which videos exactly I watched, and none of them still seem to be on the platform, but I left a comment on a video asking Wolfee if they could recommend me sites for my first dive into the community. They pointed me in the direction of FurNation and Second Life and not long afterwards I was on both platforms.

My involvement in the furry community remained entirely online until I started college at Old Dominion University in 2016. I remember being extremely disappointed by the lack of any groups for furry students at the university, after which I would begin to try and reach out to other furries on the campus and go on to help found ASODU in 2019. I began to attend the furmeets of the local 757-Furs community and eventually made my way to my first convention, which was Fur the 'More 2017 which at the time was held in Tysons Corner, Virginia. My interest in furry history began to develop in late 2017 after a few conversations with Bengaley Summercat on the subject as he owns a massive collection of zines, comics, and other various furry historical objects. A few months later, in May 2018, I began my dive into collecting furry comics and zines of my own and have not stopped since.

In late 2018 I finally made up my mind that my university had gone long enough without having any sort of organized furry group of its own. I began work on the organization's constitution after coordinating with a few furry friends on campus and on February 7, 2019 we were recognized by the university as an official student organization. I chose to run for Vice President of the organization, and was elected to the position in early 2019. We held fairly regular meetups on and around the campus until March 2020 when COVID-19 shut the world down.

Being stuck inside all of the time due to the pandemic made me desperately try to occupy myself with anything that I found remotely interesting. I ended up watching well over a hundred movies on Netflix and eventually got into VRChat after discovering a series of videos called "Shiba King" which featured the antics of the Shiba Squad, an early VRChat furry community, by Rectal Bisque. I saved up and built myself a gaming PC and eventually bought an Oculus Quest 2, and began to involve myself with the VRChat community. It helped to keep me sane during the COVID pandemic and the virtual furry convention, Furality, was an amazing way to get the convention experience when all the world's furry conventions were cancelled.


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Convention Attendance

To Do List

Articles To Create

  • AxelRoo (Mondo G. Monger) - Longtime furry, convention staffer in the Northwestern US, and avid VRChat user. Lost in 2021 to COVID-19.
  • Shiba Squad - VRChat community that formed around the Shiba Inu 3D model created by Pikapetey and grew in popularity thanks to a series of Youtube videos known as "The Shiba King" by Rectal Bisque.

Planned Research/Article Expansions

Articles Created