The Antifur Collective

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The Antifur Collective (aka Antifur International) was created on October 2000, with "Antifur" as the webmaster. It was, as labeled by its creators, an "Outsider's psychological study of the furry fandom by anthropomorphic fans".

Collective public discussions about the group quickly led to the conclusion, freely admitted by its creators on their site, of the Antifur Collective's being a group of people that came together for the sole purpose of "screw[ing] with the minds of people who call themselves furry". This involved false data and information, and the same general mocking and electronic hazing used on past and current anti-furry groups or movements.

Some of the Collective's most serious members were in talks among themselves to plan some way to return this Culture back to the Golden Age of Furry Fandom, or at least steer its "true ideals" to be associated solely with the "Anthro/Anthropomorphic" label, while the rest of them continued their electronic guerrilla warfare harassment against the fandom with such projects as the fake Christian anti-furry site, Christian Parents Against Furries.

The Collective's webmaster was actually an amalgamate of five individuals: Bob O' Riley, Clint Sexton, Chad Wood, Matthew Salinger and Laura Friedeberg. (As with all the "data" surrounding this group, this bit of information may not be ultimately accurate.) All operations concerning the Collective ceased on January 22, 2001.

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