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Sol's Fursona

SolDirix, also known as Sol or Drix, is a furry artist, indie game developer, and music producer.


His fursona is a folf with jet-black fur and a gray face, tail tip, and underbelly. He has short, maroon hair and bushy eyebrows, and yellow eyes that fade to orange. His build is lean, and he is typically seen wearing clothes. He also has a feral form.

His previous fursona that went by Solid_Spy or SolidSpy24 was similar but had yellow hair and blue eyes, and was a fox with a skinnier build. Was usually feral.

The first fursona he came up with however was an eevee with jet-black fur and an orange chest fluff, as well as purple eyes. It was mainly inspired by Eevee Party, which was also his first major influence in joining the fandom back in the late 2000s.

Game development projects[edit]

His biggest works are his most recently created indie title A2 Zygon[1], and his custom 3D game engine made in C++ with OpenGL 4.3[2].

He has also worked on other projects, such as:

  • Cybercano - A Doom 2 mod featuring 9 custom levels. You fight a cybervirus that opens a portal to hell.[3]
  • Mauser - A college group indie project influenced by Cuphead. He worked as a programmer and level designer and made the song for the final boss.
  • Pacman Portal - Another college indie project, but solo made. Features Pacman but uses a portal gun to teleport around the stage.
  • Cross The Road - A small Crossy Road demake made as a solo school project in Unreal Engine 4 using Blueprints.
  • Basketball VR - A small Basketball VR solo project made in Unreal Engine 4 with C++.


He produces most of his music using FL Studio 20. Most of his own music is chiptune and electronic, although he loves to experiment with different styles. He also loves to make fan music from video games and movies. Some of his most influential artists are ZUN, Grant Kirkhope, Eiffel 65, Deadmau5, Gigi D'Agostino, Living Tombstone, Wooden Toaster, and Daft Punk.


Most of his art is made in Gimp and Krita, and is primarily submitted to Fur Affinity. He also makes and rigs his own 3D models in Blender. His biggest influences have been Badasi (Yu Ji, creator of Eevee Party and the Warrior Cats animated series), Jay Naylor, Don Bluth, and Corvus Katana (previously known as FlightFootWarrior).


  1. A2 Zygon Steam page
  2. 3D game engine YouTube video
  3. Cybercano ModDB page

External links[edit]

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