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The Futrołajki 2021 logo
The Futrołajki 2022 logo

Futrołajki is a furry convention in Poland, occurring in the first week of December. The con has no permanent location, instead moving to a new city each year, with the goal of a convention that is for everyone. [1]


The main organizers are

  • Pysiek - Main organizer
  • Assalt - Logistics and tech support
  • Z-Grate - Events and tech support
  • Marsia - Security and medics team

Besides them, the proper functioning of the convention is responsible for the mass of other people in specialized sections such as: VR section, retro gaming section, section responsible for DJ's and sound system and more.


The first Futrołajki was held December 3-5, 2021 in Kielce, Poland, with an attendance of over 100. The Guest of Honor was Mr. Dariusz Gacek - a journalist, satirist, candidate for the city council of Kielce, former journalist and photojournalist. The charity was DKMS, and over PLN 1000 was raised through a charity auction, with attendees also being able to register for the bone marrow donor database at the con. [2]


Futrołajki 2 was held December 1-4, 2022 at the Conrad Hotel in Kraków, Poland. The theme was "Horror." The Guest of Honor was YouTuber Wojciech "Surreaktor" Kiełtyka.[3]


Futrołajki 3 was held December 6-10, 2023, again at the Conrad Hotel in Kraków.[4] The theme was "Steampunk and Revolution." The Guest of Honor was Przemysław Szczepańczyk, beer judge of the Polskiego Stowarzyszenia Piwowarów Domowych and the Beer Judge Certification Programme. The charity auction benefited Children's Oncology in Kielce and individuals in extreme poverty, homeless shelters, and children's homes.[5]


Futrołajki 4 is scheduled for December 11-15, 2024 at Hotel Grand in Kielce, Poland.[6]


  1. "Futrołajki 2021," Futrołajki website. Retrieved September 15, 2022.
  2. "Futrołajki 2021," Futrołajki website. Retrieved September 15, 2022.
  3. "Futrołajki 2022," Futrołajki website. Retrieved September 15, 2022.
  4. Telegram announcement, posted December 6, 2022.
  5. Telegram, posted November 18, 2023.
  6. Telegram announcement, posted December 10, 2023.

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