Volka Pushka

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Volka Pushka (image by Lieluka)

Volka Pushka, is a furry artist and musician from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. His mate is Dale Pinkspots.


Volka is a western gray wolf. His name comes from the Russian word Волк (volk), meaning wolf, and he himself is Russian, speaking with a Russian accent.

Volka has several scars along his forearms. He also has medium-length dirty-blond hair, and a long bushy tail. He is usually seen wearing baggy blue jeans, a brown or black leather jacket, and, most of the time, a pair of headphones. He prefers to listen to drum and bass, chiptune, Dubstep, Speedcore, and some Ambient works. He likes artists like Renard Queentson, M1dy, Deadmau5, Jackal Queenston, Svix, FIAB, Ash9, Caspa, Mt. Eden, Aphex Twin, Mayhem, Daft Punk, DJ Fresh, Faine, Emoticon, Tim Exile, Flux Pavillion, and kitusune2.

Volka is ambidextrous, but prefers his right hand for most things, including writing. He uses his left for handling guns. Volka walks around plantigrade, usually wearing no shoes or socks.


Volka uses such music-mixing programs as Fruity Loops Studio 9, Modplug Tracker, and Ace of Wave (aka Acid Wave). He has never produced a successful song.

Volka Pushka showing off his AK (Image by Luki)


Volka was abandoned as a child and grew up in a bad neighborhood. He joined the military at age nineteen and stayed as a soldier for two years. At the age of twenty-one he was honorably discharged after he took a bullet to the hip. Volka later recovered, and found a home in St. Petersburg, Russia.

His prefered weapon was the AK-47.

A few hundred years after his death, Volka's Body was found by the government and was used as a guinea pig in genetic testing. His body was regenerated as a non-robotic cyborg, given his original body but artificial organs and blood. He was nicknamed Project non mortuus (Project Undead).

Volka was not given his old memories; he has no memory of his past life. A few months into the program, he escaped, changed his name, and now lays low.