User talk:WadeyHyena16

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Zig Zag (Mongoose)[edit]

A Tomboy; Passionate in her wake, but a little rough around the edges. She loves to eat snakes! (Unknown Artist, Illustration of Zig-Zag

Delaney "Zig-Zag" Elizabeth Spires, Nee Jane, is the titular protagonist of Loch-Ness Mongoose; described as a rough and tough butch lesbian, she has a very strong connection to the Loch Ness Monster. She is a red Mongoose, whose family line hails from the capitol which is Edinburgh, in the Scottish Hills. Beginning life as a somewhat reclusive individual; due to her mother's overbearing religious namesake, being a catholic-Christian driven family; she eventually jumped ship and left her family behind; taking only her sister and her belongings with her and tossing away her past of abuse; both mentally and physically. Coming off as temperamental and with a lot of hostility. This comes from her weakened social skills as a result of being dragged about by her mother. She is the loving "Hubby" of Swirl Spires; a secretary whose role requires her very needed attention to detail, and her aimless worries of losing this job scare her. Zig-Zag joined a biker gang and rides a 1940S Crocker V-Twin Motorcycle; the last of its kind, it had been sprayed paint red at the time by her late grand yin; Douglas Crowe, her grandfather and someone she regularly looked up to as a role model; somewhat stubborn due to her worries and wants to be accepted, She eventually retires from biking and becomes a freelance Mechanic, though she still has connections to all her biker girl companions; now, that's what I call Friendship!


Awiti Roades[edit]

Awiti Roades, Former Queen of the Golden Clan and The Momentous Mage of Botswana, Africa, is the secondary tritagonist of the rouge crocuta series, She begun her journey, following her application to the throne; from there, she was charged with commandeering her clan of loyal followers. in 1988; She abdicated after the Great African War and gave her crown to her little cousin Guja; The daughter of her Aunt Nafira. She has some bloodline connections with Wadey. Though she still remains unsure of her own bloodline's importance past what she knows so far. She was often chastised by most animals for playing off the perceived notion that her actions, and link to Lucifer; A ram, and one who shouldn't have been trusted so easily. She was often called Hell-Triarch by her consequentors, enemies, and to some extent; old alliances so long gone, they've become a statement of their time. Forever planting her firm feet within the grounds that many feared to walk on. Her connections to Lovecraftian Magic aren't farfetched. As she was placed in jeopardy of lack of resources. She had to find some way to protect herself.

This Love for Magic Extended drastically over the years. But to surely know for absolute certain. One must find accept that illusion is not a fallacy of philosophical debate. But a Hypothesis that determines why Magic shouldn't be classed under terms like Witchcraft. As all magic has its ties into some culture. She calls her power Shamanism, possibly taking inspiration from her Healer Untagi

Awiti was originally classed as a villain for the longest time, but she was eventually dismissed of her crimes, since it was in due care for her clan. Though some still think she should be convicted. (Art by IrishButtMonkey)


Raised in Nigeria, Africa. She was a spoilt princess at heart during these times, oftentimes one to expect others to gravel at her feet and kiss them firmly without delay. she was vociferous and loved to have the attention, to the point where she'd disregard the most basic of events like birthdays, or to some extent: New Year's Eve, a time of relaxation and spending time with the family before the busy school come rushing in. She was homeschooled from an early age and raised by her Aunt Nafira. Following a series that led to her mother's death. She saw Awiti as her favourite niece, almost by instinct, seeing it as a jeopardised dishearten to ignore her in favour of her sister Uffi, whose overall placement inside the clan spoke, and the fact she was so boisterous made it apparent, it was done of fear. Though Awiti saw it as an accomplishment, and the fact she'd be taking the throne from her mother. This was probably due to her greed of wealth.

She was infatuated by Zatik, as he was the kind of guy only proper royals would dream of dating; his demeanour was strictly contemptuous, and his behaviour spoke volumes upon his actions. She had dated him for three years and had wished to ask for permission to take his hand. But following a scuffle over her crown. She broke up with him, lashing him under the eye, resulting in his permanent cut under his eye for years to come, and learned that having everything wasn't everything.

Character Sheet[edit]

Original Matriarch Getup! The Faux Pas that connects well. (Art by Jamez, Satan's Intern)

Character Data log[edit]


Physical Attributes[edit]



Ties into Rouge Crocuta Lore[edit]

Timeline =[edit]



Lira (D.O.G.H.O.U.S.E)[edit]

Lira Josephine Fidge is a secondary antagonist, and a part of Vick's mutual alliance, known as the M.U.T.T.S. She is the shortest out of her group reaching around 3"8' in height and has a degree in Stockbroking in national banks, which is a devilish skill she plans to use for practical usage; since she's been planning to rob the National Bank of America for about twelve years. Armed with a SR-12 bronze crafted, multi-functional, Submachine Gun, and commonly seen in perverse attire. She is a walking stripper pole, if the words were any different, She'd be classed as a high-stakes mistress, but in general; this is merely to show off her defined waistline, which was so slim, You'd think she was suffering from a form of Anorexia, at the time. She isn't your typical damsel; As she is trained in street-brawling, if push comes to shove, she'll not hesitate to pummel down any opposition, with her surprisingly strong swings. Once even knocking one of the teeth out of Leloo; A Dalmatian, and her righthand man. She is the lover of Vick Starr: The main antagonist of D.O.G.H.O.U.S.E. She's confirmed to have dated Pedro, Javier and Romulus.

She is a controversial figure in Society today.


Segregated from most pups due to her family's disdain for the commonwealth, stuck-ups that surrounded the busy streets. she wasn't often accompanied by anyone other than her overbearing older brother; who regularly complained about what tap-shoes to wear like some local ditz. she, in a way, didn't have much of a say in anything. to the point where she had to independently figure out how to do everything herself. at the age of seven; she'd successfully become the highest levelled student in her elementary school. scoring an additional four trophies and twenty-seven certificates. she was a born mathlete and strived to work in salary calculation as either an accountant or a stockbroker, though was condemned to being a chambermaid for a hotel renovation spanning several yards of ground with a massive swimming pool situated out the back surrounded by an observed jacuzzi, first-class alcoholic beverages and a towel rack with freshly heated towels.

She was on cloud-nine for twenty years. Until 2005; when she was discovered to have not gotten herself a civilian visa and had lied about her age through height-deprivation; a form of bribery and blackmail she'd used since she was 14. She was arrested for aversion of truth and was placed into a juvenile rehabilitation unit. She rejuvenated for several days; resuscitating what had occurred. She felt an urge inside her and through monumental manipulation, was able to get through Juvie. Once back on the streets; her headache grew more sufficient. Deciding to finish up where she left off; Lira finished her education, and engraved a tattoo on her shoulder that read Nature's Bitch. She was once affiliated with Leloo; a bartender she met in downtown Illinois. She was in some aspects; a masochist, someone that delved into self-pain, for a happy experience, and would often flog herself to get that feeling of ecstasy. During her off-days; She'd be seen in her chambers dressed in skin-tight, black latex, and sporting a latex mask over her face to signify her mysterious vindictive personality.

She was a Dominatrix; a woman infatuated with BDSM; Bondage, Discipline, Dominance and submission, and sadomasochism. Her whole weekend was often taken up by lashing the men she'd whip with her three pronged baton which she affectionately called "Charlie Anne", named after her favourite actress, Charlie Anne Morgana; A feminist rights activist, Film Producer and Model. Leloo was often given fair privilege and was the only man that truly made her feel warm inside, without the fear of being symbolised by pejoratives, most commonly used by the general public to classify her in a slanderous way. Due to her style at the time. She had been the subject of a media story known as "The Basenji Bitch from Hell" a Documentary on how she exploited herself to bring out the negativity women garnered. Criticised badly by Terri Fidge; her sister, who referred to her as, and I quote "The World's most objectified Eve she'd ever seen." Relating her nature to the stereotypical character of Eve, from the Garden of Eid. The first woman to roam the earth. She eventually was interviewed and dropped all questions that led to her becoming embarrassed. Denying or Avoiding through pure endurance. She often dodged the hardest ones most of all. though she wasn't unreasonable and did mention three factors that fell into her occupation and how it was a coping mechanism against the bullying she'd suffered in Juvie:

  1. improved her mentality: Back in Nigeria, in her day and age, Women were oftentimes condemned to the kitchens, clad, and undistinguished from the rest. She mentioned that most women were expected to be sacrilegious and covered in this day and age. While she showed distaste for how it projected her as a wannabe stripper. She also mentioned that it improved her mental health and made her more confident. She did add that it had become a choice of uncovering however and was genuinely a chosen pastime. (This is purely made up for the story btw. There are no records of this ever being true).
  1. It strummed her independence: She classified herself as a contemporary exotic performer; stating that being in charge felt very satisfying. since she wasn't around for the suffragette movement and commonly avoided the topic of feminism, she saw it as a form of improvement, and that it made her feel special in a society of slurs. Being of African descent, she was often chastised for her speech patterns, and often was the object of unwarranted attention by men. Though, she did add that she was in a resiliently fresh relationship with Leloo; stating the obvious and how their enamoured customs were beneficial in practice.
  1. It made her an icon: Seeing how she was often pushed back, in favour of the Europeans; French, British, etc. She was usually blacklisted as a sacrificial nuisance and it only furthered when she was compromised in a karaoke

(More soon, things will be changed if Wikifur is against this kind of content.)

Category of Name: D.O.G.H.O.U.S.E