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Coolmanjohan (also known as Johan, Coolman Johan), is an Male autistic aro/ace cartoonist from the United States.

Personal Life[edit]

Johan began his web life on February 28, 2017, when he first signed in to, 4 years before he joined the furry community. Johan used to have a negative perspective on furries, especially Sonic the Hedgehog.

Finally, on May 20th, 2021, he put his hatred aside, and crafted a new fursona, Coolman Johan

After nearly two years on Scratch, he finally joined YouTube on March 26, 2024, marking the beginning of his career.


Johan is a yellow protogen with brown fur and blue lining, he also wears a hat similar to that of President Kevin Baugh of the Republic of Molossia.

Johan's art style used to be that of a normal protogen, until 2022 when he was given a more western-cartoonish look.