User:Carl Dana

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Carl Dana by Eve Bishop

Carl Dana is one of the veteran furries on the game Secondlife, having started playing in late 2005. For the first year, he spent his time wandering the game, learning how to use it and getting to know people. In around 2006, he started DJing at Rainbow Tiger, as well as working security at the club. From there, he wandered from club to club, taking up small gigs here and there.

Currently, he works as Head DJ and Senior Manager at AnthroXtacy 'AX' nightclub on secondlife, helping to manager the 50+ members of staff currently on the payroll as it were. He has 3 forms that he wears, the first of which being his main form, a large rainbow maned lion. This avatar is unique in secondlife for having the largest mane in the gameworld, 700+ flexi prims. He can also be seen as a rainbow coloured phoenix and rainbow tiger(not affiliated with the club.)

See the article about Carl Dana. WikiFur User