User:Aztec Jaguaress

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See the article about Aztec Jaguaress. WikiFur User


Aztec or more commonly known as Aztec Jaguaress appeared in the furry fandom back in 2002. She was born in 1985 in Colorado Springs, CO, and since then has been living in a small town known as San Luis, CO with her mother, step-father and three pets, a Miniature Poodle named Tasha, and two parakeets with the names of Jezebel and Cha-Cha.

Aztec is a shape shifting female jaguar with both a feral and an anthro form. When not in her main form she can be seen as any animal that fits her disposition at anytime. She also is Spiritual, also trying to learn more about herself as time goes on.

Presence in the Furry World[edit]

Early autumn of 2002 is when she first discovered the Furry Fandom late one night while browsing the internet for stories of any kind. Once finding a furry story site that caught her interest, she found it fascinating and looked more into the fandom, the more she learned about it, the more she felt as though she fit into it. Late 2002/ early 2003 she joined the CatCollection site as it had to do with her favorite animals, Big Cats. Upon joining, she met lots of other furs, a few of whom she is still friends with, they are: Eagle Cheetah, Kisu, and MattLion.

Behind the Name[edit]

How did Aztec come to be? Why is she a jaguar? How did she discover that she was a shape shifter? Here is how she came to be:

During the year of 2002, she was a junior in high school when discovering the furry community/fandom/world. Trying to find out what animal would fit her human counter-part, she thought a black panther would be the best bet as they are her favorite big cat. But when it came down to actually creating a 'fursona' the black panther just didn't fit her at all.

At that time, her high school history teacher was teaching her class about both the Mayan and Aztec Native Americans. During that session, he found each students Aztec Calendar and Mayan Calendar symbols online. Finding that she was born on the day of the jaguar on both calendars, her fursona came naturally to her. After spending some time researching jaguars, she found that they fit her really well, like she was able to connect with them and their solitary lifestyle. Thus Aztec Jaguaress was born.

Her whole life she felt like she had a shape shifter spirit, but never thought much of it. Only after reading about the Jaguar Totem and learning that those born under that specific totem are naturally shape shifters, she embraced that part of herself as well as let her other forms come to her as her disposition changed.

More About Aztec[edit]

Aztec is a friendly jaguar, though very shy. She often speaks her mind if she sees the situation calls for it. She also is a part of the LiveJournal world. While being on the site for approximately a year, she has made lots of great friends, Oniyaneko, Helios Inferno, December Star, Tigressmin as well as lots more.

She's also very artistic and can be found painting suncatchers or ceramic pieces in her free time. She also likes to play video games, and often plays either PS2 or GameCube with her mom. She also likes to draw and sketch but isn't very good at it and gave it up for a short while, though she's thinking of getting back into it sometime soon. She also loves photography and does it as a hobby. Her photography can be found on deviantArt and Fur Affinity. She also like gardening in the warmer spring and summer months, she also has her own indoor planter with cacti and another with various indoor plants consisting of: two Ivy vines, one Calla Lily, and one Margarita plant.

Random Facts[edit]

  • born in February
  • Pisces
  • Water element
  • Naturalist
  • Bi/Gay
  • Animal person
  • Loner
  • Favorite Season is Autumn
  • Favorite Holidays are Halloween and Christmas
  • Collects: Plushies, Feline anything, Ladybugs, Snowmen
  • Loves music and Horror movies

External Links[edit]

To Be Updated!!!