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Acme's only fursona, "Acme", is a Calico cat character.

Known as Acmechan, Acme Labs or simply, Acme, (born November 13th, 1978) is a male fursuiter living in Goldsboro, North Carolina, U.S.A.

Acme first discovered the fandom at age 15, while watching Ranma 1/2 at a friends house.

Personal Life[edit]

Acme is in the US Airforce living in the eastern United States.

His personality is playfulness, curiosity, kind, friendly, a bit shy at times, stubborn at times, and quick to laugh. He loves making new friends and just generally having some plain old-fashioned fun.

Acme enjoys watching television, computers, hanging out with friends, listening to Pandora, and staying up late.


Acme is in his early 30's and is about 6' in height and weighs 180Lbs.


Acme got very interested when stationed at Kunsan AB, South Korea. While there had his fursuit commissioned.

Woking with Fur Happens a payment plan was worked out for while he was stationd abroad.

The suit features handpaws with pleather pawpads, a long fluffy tail held up with belt loops, and a balaclava-based head with excellent vision through eyes AND through the mouth. With the help from a sturdy tube cut to the required length aquired from work .. Also know as a "straw" he can drink while IN suit. ridged ears, a silk nose, a semi-moving jaw, and dark brown hair tuft.

Con's Attended[edit]

Acme is still new to fursuiting.
November 20-22, 2009 called Midwest FurFest
May 28-30, 2010 called Animazement, a local anime con in Raleigh, NC.
May 27-29, 2011 called Animazement, a local anime con in Raleigh, NC.

External Links[edit]