The Tail Company

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The Tail Company, aka "Mechanical Tail Company" is a cosplay company founded in 2015 making animatronic animal tails, ears and wings.


In 2006, they created their first "moving, lifelike tail" prototype and started wearing in. In 2018, they launched their first Kickstarter to fund the development of the "first one hundred Classic Tails", called the DIGITAiL. It has been updated to the MiTail. They then launched EarGear, mechanical wings. in 2022, they launched MiWings, mechanical wings.[1]



DIGITAiL is an animatronic tail that moves using servomotors and is app controlled. It is now discontinued.


MiTail is an updated animatronic tail based on DIGITAiL with new features. They are app-controlled, with removable covers, bluetooth control and built in power.


EarGear is a pair of ears that move using servomotors, worn on a headband. They are also app-controlled, with removable covers, bluetooth control and built in power.


MiWings are a pair of wings that move using linear actuators. They are remote controlled, and have removable feathers so they can be changed.


FlutterWings is a wing system for different shapes - fairy, bat, dragon, moth etc. They are app controlled and the wings can be change for different shapes.

Media Coverage[edit]

The original DIGITAiL was featured on numerous news websites.


  1. "Website FAQ". Archived from the original on March 18, 2019. Retrieved on February 26, 2024. “Back in 2006, we started to create a moving, lifelike tail. Our first prototype was built, and we started wearing it! / By 2012, we launched our first Kickstarter which funded the development of the first one hundred Classic Tails. By 2015, The Tail Company was created. DIGITAiL was launched, then MiTail and EarGear. / 2022 and we have launched MiWings, our amazing mechanical wings.”

External links[edit]

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