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Megamorphics was the fandom's first macrophilia Amateur Press Association. It was launched in Spring of 1997, and was published on a quarterly basis with occasional gaps until it went on hiatus in Fall 2005. The publication has since come out of hiatus, under new editorship, as of July 2009.

Originally assembled, collated and shipped by Wolf Kidd, production and control of the APA were taken over by Ken Sample in 2002. The books were comb-bound through the whole run of publication and all covers were in color, initially on buff paper-stock and then under Ken's direction, on gloss photo-stock with clear plastic cover protectors. Contributions were in general fairly decently balanced between text/fiction and graphics. Under the current editor Phil "Bennie" Pollard, the new incarnation is perfect-bound, profesionally printed, with full-color glossy covers.

Like all regular APAs, distribution of the books were limited to members only. However, some members chose to sell off their copies as they retired from the publication, making them mildly desirable collectibles to macrophilia fans who were not members themselves.


Membership of the APA generally held between 20 and 30, the total number and members varying over time due to work-loads, time constraints and personal issues.

Contributing members in the first issue were (in order that they appeared): Rogue, Kooky, Peter LaVerdiere aka "Hopper Roo", David Buttenshaw aka "Timbawulf", Kolt, Guppy, Wolf Kidd, Ken Sample, Torrle, Michael Higgs, Bryan Fier, Brian Harp aka "Jace", Freddy Aanderson aka Freddy A'Son, Lisa Jennings aka "Micole" (now Lisa Sample), Watts Martin

On the roster, but not contributing, were: William Haas aka Ashtoreth, Mejeep, Doug (?), Korva (?)

Notable Contributors[edit]

The APA had members included Max Black Rabbit, Phil Pollard (admin of, SusanDeer, Sylvan, Moonstalker, Teaselbone, Mr. Person, Charon2, Cashew Lou, Dingo, Shawntae Howard, Zephyrus, Doral and Tommicat.