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Mahxissa was a black Andalusian mare with a red sheen who worshipped the evil one-eyed god Balor on HavenMUSH. She was the archnemesis to and cousin (unbeknownst to both her and him) of Caspian.

Mahxissa was a deadly and accomplished warrior by herself, but she was allied with the Fomorians and frequently led them into battle and other missions. She also employed subterfuge and seduction to accomplish her mission. Turning an adversary to her side, to serve Balor, she saw as a greater goal than simply killing them.

She did not view herself as evil; she genuinely believed in Balor as a "good god." She never came to realize, in her time on Haven MUSH, that she was Caspian's cousin and shared the same unicorn blood he did.

The character was abandoned due to conflicts with a new rule put in place on the MUSH.

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