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MIS0 is a professor from Glasgow who lives in Aberdeen, Scotland.

Fandom involvement[edit]

MIS0 has been in the furry community since the mid-1990s.


MIS0's fursona is a shapeshifting skunkupine, a skunk/porcupine hybrid, with a cobalt central stripe, being their standard form most of the time. They have also been seen as a lop-eared bunny, Scottish fold, pied crow, puffin, and other forms, with all of these variant fursonas having a green right eye and a violet left eye.

Convention attendance[edit]

(*) Staff

Texas Furry Fiesta (staff)[edit]

MIS0 was on the staff of Texas Furry Fiesta as the Music and Motion Lead - teaching panels on yoga, dance, and other physical/musical panels. They also hosted the formal (or sometimes informal) ball at TFF every year and have been teaching panels at Furry Fiesta since it first began.

They'd been, quite literally, bribed to join as the only non-male panellist on the TFF's Match Game, where the more vulgar staff members come up with the most impossible and hilarious fill-in-the-blanks to foil the contestants. They've also been bribed to serve as one of the judges as well in the "Entertain the Staff for Small Prizes" event.

Music, Motion, and Minions[edit]

The Music & Motion department, or M&M, originated from yoga and meditation panels (2009-2011) into a ballroom and other social dance classes and more formalized/mature dance events (2011-2017), appealing to attendees who desire a more structured and varied dance environment, as well as those who want to learn new moves and styles apart from typical wubwub rooms. They have also, playfully been referred to as the "Greymuzzle Activities" as most of the panels and events it hosts are for adults only, less for content than interest and physical safety.

In the early development of its moniker, Orim Katsu (the department's DJ and very first Minion) suggested the Music & Motion department and took on the term "Minion" as the term for staffers on this department, thus making everyone in the department "MMM"'s. MIS0, being avidly fond of Shakespeare, was totally onboard with having "too saucy minions".[1][2]

Since the M&M department was heavily involved in dedicating their panels/events to the themes of the con, both MIS0 and the Minions frequently adopted various character names to match every year's theme, making the entire department somewhat shapeshifting itself.


  1. Meaning of "saucy" on the Shakespeare's Words website. Retrieved July 5, 2023.
  2. The Two Gentlemen of Verona: Act 1, Scene 2 Translation on Shmoop.com. Retrieved July 5, 2023.
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