Linz Furmeet

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The Linz Furmeet is a local furmeet for Austrofurs living on the region of central Upper Austria. As of 2024, there have been about 50 attendees at each event within the last year.


Linz Furmeet is held every month at a restaurant location in Linz, Austria. Usually attended by about 40-50 furs, its highest attendance has been about 100 people during an easter holiday event in 2023. The furmeet is currently still held as a private meeting event and therefore not officially classified as a convention, therefore no panels or specific sub-events are organized. At most meets the attendees either organize their specials (such as bringing musical instruments or a bouncy castle | ONLY after contacting the organizer team!) or simply attend to socialize with others and eat dinner together. The furmeet allows fursuiting and the presence of animals, but the second must be discussed with organizers and restaurant staff first. The location of the meet can most easily be reached by car or via tram lines 1,2 from the main station(The closest stop is "Harbach").

A winter break during December has been followed as long as the event has existed and is now traditionally performed each year. Therefore there are no meets during December, even if other Austrian or Linz Furry-related events take place.

The Furmeet has no official discussion/chat group and instead is integrated with the Telegram Channel for "Austrofurs OÖ" (Austrian Furs Upper Austria)[1], which is a sub-group of Austrofurs (Austrian Furs)[2]. It does however have its announcement channel "Linzer Furry Stammtisch"[3], in which event dates, polls for sign-up (used to prepare the location for attendee numbers), concurrent events and other information are provided. Sometimes other events organized by other furry groupings from Austria or Germany are concurrently organized in cooperation with the Furmeet, these are separate events and therefore not part of the meet (usually these also take place in Linz).


Linz Furmeet used to be held at a different location until shortly after the Covid-19 pandemic (during which meets were paused), at which point the previous organizers resigned and appointed a new organizer, who then moved the meet to another (the current) location[4] during early 2021. Currently, the event is held at a restaurant in the city district Urfahr[5] of Linz, Austria.


Meets are held on the second Saturday of every Month (except December due to Winter Break), unless otherwise specified. They usually start at 18:30 (6:30 pm) and are technically open-ended, but almost always dissolve before 22:30 (10:30 pm). Usually, several groups of attendees meet up at separate locations after (exp: Bar, At Home, Outside, etc), but most of these hangouts are spontaneously organized by the attendees themselves. Information regarding upcoming meets can be found in the above-mentioned telegram channel and on the upcoming events page of the Austrofurs website.



  1. Austrofurs OÖ Telegram Invite - Upper Austria Austrofurs Telegram Channel
  2. Austrofurs Webpage - Link to Austrofurs Website
  3. Linzer Furry Stammtisch - Furmeet Announcement Channel on Telegram
  4. Location of the Furmeet - Google Maps Pin of the Furmeet Location
  5. Linz Stadteile - Page about Linz City Districts and other Information

External links[edit]

  • [1] Official Website of Austrofurs
  • [2] Upcoming Events Page of Austrofurs
  • [3] Urfahr City District Linz
  • [4] Linz Public Transport Route Planner
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