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Katatraz Prison (t katatraz) is the correctional institute for roleplaying criminal furs on Tapestries owned by Hundchen. Katatraz Prison is a multi-purpose prison, containing facilities for many different levels of criminals. As the only long-term prison in the area, Katatraz houses everything from local offenders to those furs requiring maximum security cells, and/or Death. In addition, the prison is fully integrated, making almost no distinction between male or female prisoners.

While male and female prisoners are not housed in the same cell, they are housed in the same cell blocks. (Some exceptions to this have been rumored to occur, but are not officially sanctioned by the prison, and are usually the result of lost paper work. The entire area permits non-consensual sexual roleplaying.


Since Katatraz Prison incarcerates a widely ranging span of prisoners, several steps beyond simple walls and bars have needed to be taken to ensure that the inmates do not escape. The walls and grounds of the prison have been imbued with a powerful enchantment that limits magical abilities to a bare minimum, calculated to allow magical beings to survive, but too weak for very much in the way of external projections of power.

Although Katatraz Prison strives for an efficient and just system, like most prisons it does have it's share of corrupt guards willing to do favors for prisoners in exchange some type of payment. It also has Areas where one can ease their mind, soul, and body, and a growing department for healers, alchemists, and psionics.


Magic is far weaker in Katatraz than elsewhere. The entire prison is inside of a near-null magic zone. Only enough magic seeps in to allow creatures that require a small amount of magic to survive to live. Furs that need more magic for survival often find themselves weakened or getting very sick due to the absence of mana (or whatever else is used for magic).

The main effect of this is that magical abilities, whether spells cast by wizards or manifested as a natural part of a magical creature, fail due to lack of mana. For example, a dryad would be unable to meld with a tree, a kitsune could not use illusions, and a dragon can not use it's breath weapon. While these are natural abilities, they are also magical. A non-magical natural ability, such as a serpent's venom, would still work. Of course, other methods would be found to prevent inmates from using non-magical dangerous abilities.

In roleplaying terms: magic is forbidden. There are two rings that allow magic in certain areas. One is used in the Healing room for mortal wounds that one would die from normally. This one is protected by extreme measures, and unable to be stolen. The other is kept by the Head Warden.


Weapon rules are also strict, to promote better RP. The only weapons that are permitted to be carried on a regular basis are the stun batons, Tranq guns, and truncheons that are issued by the prison. Other weapons must be okayed by a Warden. If they are, then they become legal. This is to give an aspect of role-play for any type of new weaponry. Swords, and other medieval weapons or similar devices (such as light sabers) are not allowed.

Not being stupid or blind to the inherent possibilities of natural weapons, Katatraz officials do take steps to neutralize natural weaponry as best they can, stopping short of permanent damage. Inmates with dangerous claws have them trimmer regularly, or if that is not enough, coated with a non-dangerous material which will blunt the claws. This is similar to coating the claws in rubber (most vets have pamphlets on this procedure). Other methods are used to prevent inmates from using non-magical breath weapons, including medical means such as administering drugs that restrict the needed biological processes.

In short, no inmate is permitted to run around the prison with a built-in weapon, natural or not, that allows him or her to have a viable means of assaulting a member of the Katatraz staff, guards, or other inmates. Natural weapons possessed by guards or staff are not neutralized as a matter of course, but restraint and proper behavior are expected of them, and the use of such abilities falls under the same rules as those governing non-natural lethal weapons. Any use of natural weaponry, even in dire circumstances, provokes an investigation into its use. Guards and staff who use their natural weaponry recklessly could have it restrained while in the prison, but are more likely to be fired.


Prison uniforms are simple, the standard consisting of a plain black and white striped shirt and matching pants. The orange jumpsuit, or any other state approved jailbird outfit. Occasionally prisoners transferred in have other uniforms, which are usually allowed for economic reasons, as long as they meet the prison's basic stands of covering and cleanliness. Guards are required to provide their own uniforms, which must be neat, professional-looking and promote a sense of authority. Each cell-block set of Guards are allowed to have their own uniforms to tell them apart. All staff members are expected to dress in a professional manner, with attire appropriate to their jobs.