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Grandville front cover, featuring Detective-Inspector LeBrock

Grandville is a series of graphic novels from popular British comic creator Bryan Talbot. The eponymous debut book was released on 15 Oct 2009. The second, Grandville: Mon Amour, was released on November 20, 2010, and a third issue, Grandville: Bete Noire, was announced as forthcoming by Talbot's Twitter account[1]. In November 2014, the forth novel Grandville: Noel was released.

Setting and characters[edit]

Grandville is a steampunk detective thriller, featuring the character of Detective-Inspector LeBrock of Scotland Yard (a badger). Talbot says he was inspired by 19th century French illustrators J.J. Grandville and Robida; J.J. Grandville was famous for his satirical anthropomorphic illustrations and Robida for his quaint visions of the future.



External links[edit]