Gabrielle Alexandria

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Gabrielle Alexandria (Natasha) , also known as The-Imperial-Dragon, Gabrielle-wolf and The-Scarlet-Dragon, formerly known as Michiru-Kaioh (born 1992), is a female anthro artist from Missouri, USA. Her therian fursona is a white wolf.

She is the founder of the Therian Pride group on deviantART.

Deep Space Dragons[edit]

Deep Space Dragons, also known as Dsd's or Ds-dragons, are a fictional species created by Gabrielle Alexandria. The artist has had them in the works since 2009.

The species' art/written rights are described to be "open", meaning anyone that finds the species fascinating and wishes to create their own, can do so with the permission of Gabrielle Alexandria.[citation needed]

The dragons are most popular around deviantART and Fur Affinity.[citation needed]. While the names tend to be Astronomical terms, they are not limited to such, the creator is free to name their dragon what ever they please.

Popular Dragons[edit]



The most popular and thus the most well known dragon of this species belongs to Gabrielle Alexandria herself, and was also the first of the species to be created. This dragon's name is "Vortex". Vortex was first seen in 2009 when it was posted on Deviantart by Michiru-Kaioh (Natasha's former username).

Vortex has an interesting back story, though much is not known since the artist hasn't released any literature on the character going in depth. What we do know is that Vortex is the only one of his kind that not only possess the ability to change into both the celestial and bezerker forms ( A power gifted to him by Staxis: the first deep space dragon) , but also can time travel. The cause of this unique ability is unknown, the artist has not specified.



The second most well known and apparently the counter part to Vortex is a dragon by the name of "Nova".

Nova is a laboratory created deep space dragon. The Lab in question created Nova when they tried to create a star. Due to the unnatural circumstances of its birth, Nova appears to have physical differences not native to the species. He sports spines on his lower back, as well as a mane that only goes to the bottom of his neck, instead of all the way down the spine to the tip of the tail.

On top of these differences Nova appears to have difficulty with his "celestial" form, causing him to have feathers sprouting out of his back, tail and shoulders.


Body build[edit]

Deep Space Dragons are, anatomically, a mix of Eastern and European style dragons. Their bodies are longer than most European dragons due to their Eastern influences, however, they are generally muscular dragons. Based on individual Dragon body type, though, their muscularity can change.

Each Dragon has four legs, and each foot has three toes; the front feet with an opposable thumb, making them more versatile and hand-like. Each toe has a non-retractable claw. Every Deep Space Dragon (at least) two horns on their head and two ears. The ears are never shorter than the horns (though that length will vary) however they can be longer.

The hair on a Deep Space Dragon's head/neck/back/tail is generally short, but this is another attribute of the species that varies between individuals. It does, however, grow along the length of the creature from the forehead to the tip of the tail, generally ending in a tuft of sort, similarly to what is seen on Eastern dragons. Some Deep Space Dragons will also grow hair on their arms, some do not.

Their skin is smooth; they have no scales. The texture is closest to that of a dolphin skin, and is very good for regulating their body temperatures in space. Dragons create a lot of body heat to keep themselves warm in the depths of space, so should they suddenly pass by a sun, the heat emitted will not cook the dragon alive. (granted they don't get too close)


Deep Space Dragons are all genderless, they do not reproduce within themselves and so belonging so a sex is unnecessary. They do not mate, however some will form closer bonds with others based on fondness and friendships.

Birth and life span[edit]

Deep space dragons Do not mate. They are born when a star explodes, the energy and mass exerted creates a deep space dragon. The dragons start off small, typically 3-4 feet in length as new borns (adults are typically 32-42 feet).

Born without parents, the new borns search for one or more of its own kind, to act as surrogate parents till the creature is mature enough to take care of its self. Deep space dragon colonies will "adopt" 5-6 of these new borns at a time (depending on size of said colony). Dragons can live thousands of years, the oldest recorded dragon was 500,000 years of age. The older they are, the dimmer their bioluminescence is.


Deep Space Dragons come in all kinds of colors. (more often than not they are naturally cooler colors due to their surroundings) The main body color is generally the darkest hue (almost black) of the markings/underbelly color. A Dragon's markings are usually bright neon colors (green/blue/purple/yellow/etc.)

The horn and claw colors can be any color, based on the color scheme on the Dragon itself, ranging from the same color as the markings to a complimentary off-setting color.

The hair is fiber optic in nature, therefore has no color of its own; it is clear and soft. The colored lights it gives off are bioluminescence; or natural electricity, given off by the Dragon's chemistry. Dragons display two colors in their hair; it can be any combination, but only two colors. The mouths are always some variation of green (light, dark, etc.) The mouth and tongue will glow when the claws do, which is a voluntary action dictated by the individual Dragon.


The markings have no set pattern, but they are rather based on the individual Dragon. They can be any type of shape or design in nature, be they tribal or Mediterranean in influence. There really isn't any set specifics for them, but they are always the same color as the underbelly.

Berserker and Celestial forms[edit]

Each Dragon has one of two modes; berserker or celestial. In either form, the Dragon changes in appearance and gains extra strength and abilities. It's more often than not triggered by extreme emotion, however later on in life the Dragon can learn to control it, through extensive training.

  • Berserker: In berserker form the Dragon gains an angry rage-filled spiky appearance. Their strength (physically) quadruples and they gain the ability to create fire that is fueled by their rage.
  • Celestial: In celestial form, the Dragon gains a pure state of form and a feathery appearance. They gain the ability to create a blue flame and their speed quadruples. Some Dragons have been said to gain momentary enlightenment in this state of being.


All deep space dragons have the same weakness of the left ear, a carefully aimed strike in the right spot will result in its death. For this reason a few deep space dragons will actually wear a phoenix feather earring, that is if they can get a hold of one. For it to work they way the dragons need it to, it has to be crafted by the dragon that created the first one. Vortex.

Birth defects[edit]

Deep space dragons like every other creature can have birth defects due to mutated genetics.

While they do exist, it is rare for them to be seen, and only a few actually exist. They are caused by complications in the star or explosion that creates these dragons, for instance if theres to much debris around the star when it explodes, the compacting energy that creates the dragon is tainted and there for tampers with the dragon it self.

Multiple horns/ears[edit]

With this birth defect the dragon in question grows more than the normal number of horns or ears. In stead of 2 horns and 2 ears they can grow up to 4 of each.

This is the most common of the mutations and happens as often as every 30th dragon. This mutation is caused from to much energy being compacted into one dragon that the body actually has nothing else to do with it, so it puts it into extra horns and ears.


The albino defect doesn’t have the same effect on the creature as it does a lot of other living things. For the deep space dragons, to be albino means that the blackish hue of their skin isn’t as dark as it normally would be, but instead is more of a paler grayish version of their markings.

This is less common then the multiples of horns and ears, and is caused by a delay in the energy compacting to create the dragon. Instead of compacting right away once the star explodes, it doesn’t compact until a few seconds after, for what ever reason. This defect also caused the dragon's eye color to turn a milky white, that is because the dragon is blind.

All Albino deep space dragons are also blind, however just because a dragon has white eyes doesn’t mean that its blind.

White underbelly stripe[edit]

Every once in a while a very rare defect will happen in a deep space dragon, and It will form a white stripe along the underbelly coloration. This defect is so rare that one in 2,000 dragons will have it, and the cause is unknown. There is currently only one dragon that has the rare and beautiful defect. (this one is not open for reproduction unless given special permission from me to add it to your dragon)

No markings[edit]

Another pretty rare defect is for a dragon to be created with no markings. It will have the same amount of horns and ears as any regular dragon but the markings never formed. This occurs when to much debris tampers with the compacting energy, resulting in the incomplete creation of a deep space dragons colors. Some times they will show up as very light and hardly noticeable from the color of their skin.

Twin dragons[edit]

Twin dragons happen when a star's explosion puts off enough energy to create two dragons instead of the normal one. The dragons created are not identical, however the markings they sport will always be the same color. Solaria and solaris are a good example of the twin dragon syndrome. It's not a common defect, but it does happen.

Faulty bio-luminescence[edit]

This is the rarest of all the defects that occur in this species. The normal glow that a deep space dragon produces, is due to natural bio-luminescence, however when the glow is faulty, the mane or the teeth/claws will not glow. Some times nothing will.

The hair will just be clear and soft, instead of the colorful glow it normally possesses. The mouth or the claws will just not glow, however they remain the bright color they naturally would be.


Deep Space dragons are a complex species; they have no leader of any sort, but are a very highly honor-based species. Dragons respect their elders and friends to the utmost extent, and enemies are quickly made when honor is challenged. A Dragon's word is their bond and they will not break it. If they weir own death. If a Deep Space Dragon goes back on his word, he is by code required to take his own life.

The species as a whole can range from living their lives in large colonies, to living them out in solitude. (this depends on the individual Dragon) The colony Dragons treat will each other like family; every Dragon plays a role, and they all depend on each other.

Their lifestyles vary from living on any life-bearing planet they can find, to living a nomadic life, traveling and sleeping wherever they find peace.

Deep Space Dragons are protective by nature, and that can more often than not lead to territorial displays of dominance, depending on what it is that a Dragon is protecting. Deep Space Dragons will NOT kill unless they are hunting for food, or protecting their colony from danger.


The Dragons are scavengers generally, but they will hunt. Living in space as a habitat, they will eat anything organic that they can find, be it a smaller creature or some type of plant. When hunting, a colony will send out two or three members (depending on the size of the colony) that will be gone for days on end hunting for the group. A solitary Dragon will not kill anything larger than itself, due to a respect-based code; live and let live.

When a Dragon kills, it Is quick; the prey is blessing them with their life, so in return it does not suffer. Every Dragon has a venom they produce in their saliva, which is used to kill prey by shutting off their nervous system. (3 or 4 bites, depending on the size of said prey, is enough to kill it almost instantly; the venom is very potent) Deep Space Dragons are, however, immune to the venom produced by the entirety of their species, despite the variations between individuals.

Interactions with other species[edit]

Deep Space Dragons as a species are non-agressive, but as stated before if there is a threat present they will fight to protect. (kill or be killed.) They have no natural predator, but some that have made contact with foreign species have not returned. Their hide is highly heat resistant and therefor very valuable to some.....


Deep Space Dragons do not typically communicate orally, but rather speak telepathically and therefore can communicate with any creature that has thoughts. If they choose to, they can speak orally, if their mouth build, certain motor skills, and larynx allow for them to create a desired vocal response.

Deities and religions[edit]

Deep Space Dragons do not have religion, nor do they have a deity. Because they are respect/honor-based; the closest thing they have to such is a highly revered or respected Dragon of their kind. A Dragon by the name of Vortex is one of these "Grand Dragons". *He* is gifted with an unexplainable ability to time travel, and inherit both celestial and berserker forms.


The artist has several short stories and A comic under way for the species. The comic is due to be released soon in a physical form of which you can purchase.

the short written versions of the stories can be found here:

External links[edit]