Furry Refuge

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Furry Refuge
FurryRefuge.pngFurry Refuge Logo
Subject Social/Tech/Gaming/Radio Furry Community
Server https://matrix.furryrefuge.com https://telegram.furryrefuge.com https://discord.furryrefuge.com[1]
Status Online and Active
Ran from/to 2020 - present
Rating from
Web G

Web NC-17

Furry Refuge, is an online gaming community and online social community[2] based in United States that hosts Furry Refuge Radio Station as well as the popular Furry Refuge Minecraft.


Furry Refuge started with a Minecraft server hosted by Miss Moth in 2006 which attracted a social group around it which came to be known over the years as MothNet. They expanded to cover different social topics on w:IRC and then later moving to w:Telegram where they changed their name to Furry Refuge to sound more welcoming as their mission is to give furs an online community that is all-inclusive online space for everyone. This includes chatrooms based on telegram and discord, games like Minecraft and Starbound, as well as more abstract services hosted for the community such as an w:Asterisk PBX for their group Tech Furs to play with and develop as a community effort. While this community is small, its close-knit and welcoming.

Community Fun[edit]

Furry Refuge's own Audio Furs chat is welcoming not just for new furry music artists, but also for makers as in it, is a community that have fun making different kinds of speakers from experimental stuff such as EMF loops in clear plastic sheets. The Single-Furs chat has proposed "speed dating" sessions to entertain furs looking for partners. Motor Furs has various car projects going as well.

Their chats can be accessed via telegram, discord, or even matrix. invite links are found on their website or through https://telegram.furryrefuge.com and https://discord.furryrefuge.com

Hosted games[edit]

Their website at https://furryrefuge.com has a full game server list that includes Minecraft, 7days to die, Rust, and others. The community also appears to be active on VRChat since they have a "Furry Refuge" group on VRChat as long as their own world.

Social Network[edit]

Furry Refuge Social is a mastodon instance for Furry Refuge that kicked off over the whole Elon Musk Twitter Scare and has been gaining users since late 2022. There is an app called Furry Refuge Social available in the app store for android, but it is still being worked on by the Tech Furs Chat. It is accessed with https://social.furryrefuge.com

An instance of Matrix is also hosted by the community which you can find here https://matrix.furryrefuge.com and is open to public use.

Radio Station[edit]

Furry Refuge Radio is a community effort online radio station that plays only furry music or sets from furry DJs. Their mission is to create a stronger sense of community by showing off the accomplishments of the furry community through furry music, furry podcasts, furry DJs, and other types of furry media. The radio is accessable at https://radio.furryrefug.com or through a radio app created by the community at https://app.furryrefuge.com which leads to a google play site for download of their radio or social apps.


  1. Furry Refuge Chat Platforms and Servers Retrieved August 18, 2023
  2. Furry Refuge About page Retrieved August 18, 2023

External links[edit]