FurFright 2012

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FurFright 2012 theme
FurFright (edit)
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FurFright 2008
FurFright 2009
FurFright 2010
FurFright 2011
FurFright 2012
FurFright 2013

FurFright staff
FurFright guests of honor

FurFright 2012 was the tenth annual FurFright, which took place October 26-28, 2012 at the Crowne Plaza Cromwell in Cromwell, Connecticut.[1] Attendance was 1,500, reaching the announced attendance cap. The fursuit parade contained 321 suiters.

The Guests of honor were Skulldog and D. Walker.[1]


The charity was the United States War Dogs Association. A total of $15,445.15 was raised.


Due to a fire alarm incident and the onset of Hurricane Sandy, some attendees began to facetiously refer to the convention as FireFright[2] and HurriCon.[3]


FurFright, Inc. started the year with $1786 in assets, all cash (and temporary cash investments). They ended the year with $20970 in assets, all cash. Liabilities were zero, making their gain/loss for the year $19184, and their net balance $20970.

Their total revenue was $79605, all from memberships.

Their expenses came to $60421, of which $18502 was for occupancy, rent, utilities and maintenance, $50 for labor and professional fees and $3598 for printing, postage and shipping.

Source: FurFright, Inc. Form 990-EZ (description [for regular Form 990]) from Foundation Center
Note: These financials provide just a brief overview, and should be considered in context. Each convention has its own situation, which may change from year to year. Special events (like art shows) that are part of a charity's mission are usually run at a loss. Conventions typically have many other expenses which may come to far more than those listed. Check the source for further details.


  1. 1.0 1.1 FurFright website. Retrieved June 29, 2012.
  2. Tweets of several FurFright attendees referring to it as FireFright on Twitter (retrieved November 1, 2012)
  3. Tweets of several FurFright attendees referring to it as HurriCon on Twitter (retrieved October 31, 2012)

External links[edit]

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