Flexible Survival

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Flexible Survival
Flexiblesurvival.jpgCome get Infected!
Subject Furry, Transformation, Adult
Server flexiblesurvival.com, port 2000
Operator(s) Nuku Valente
Status Online
Ran from/to March 2011 - present
Censor NC17 button.png
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Flexible Survival is an adults-only MUCK for furry transformation fans. Players must interact in an environment of mutants and survivors to make sense of a post-apocalyptic world.

The game is based on role-play and classic hack'n'slash combat, supporting both a website graphical interface as well as a standard MU* Telnet client.


The Promethean Nanites have been unleashed, in part due to the acts of one of its major researching companies, Zephyr Inc. These nanites, also referred to as the Promethean Plague, the Nanite Plague, the Scourge and numerous similar titles, are virus-based artificial swarming strains of proteins and enzymes controlled by micro-transponders. Communication went down hours after the initial release, and the populace was reduced, in large, to gibbering, insane mutants of all shapes and perversions.

The players are part of Zephyr Inc, RSX, or the Prometheans, piecing together what's left. Your mind has been spared dissolution or subversion, but your body remains like stiff clay to the untiring fingers of the Promethean Nanites, constantly adapting to shape new forms.


Main staff[edit]

  • Nuku Valente - Setting and code
  • Hinoserm - Server maintenance, billing, and code
  • Blobbus - Code (unofficially)
  • Damaged - Code

Additional staff[edit]

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