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A character created by Aelius, Delfina Alexia Aluris the dolphin is the mysterious owner of Aluris Enterprises: a business that works in fashions and novelties, all of which were designed by her own clever and extremely creative mind. She carries a calm, confident attitude that’s very friendly and open. She also tends to speak in a very proper tone, giving the impression that she is from more aristocratic backgrounds (which is true, actually).


The daughter of a French mother and a Hawaiian father, Delfina was raised in a wealthy family and lived a rather normal life at home, though as her late teen years came up her crafty, mischievous nature made her into quite an active young lady. As the years went on she finally decided to calm down and make a living for herself, specializing in fashion design.

Even now at the age of 40, she's still proven to be just as creative and energetic as ever, having has gained numerous friends and clients throughout the years, including T'Shelle after moving to Chicago. Hanging out in Bambi's Bamboo Bar has given her access to quite a range of characters, (not to mention the new record for most sushi - her favorite food - consumed in one sitting).

Aluris Enterprises[edit]

Aluris Enterprises began as a way for Delfina to show off her designs, and quick turned into a successful business.

Delfina uses paid volunteers for her catalogues, rather than regularly-shown models because she had noticed quite a few people interested in modeling for her products and didn’t want to select only a few. She has no problem letting previous volunteers return if there’s room. Aluris Enterprises has recently joined in agreement with Andromeda’s Xanadu Studios for exchanges of potential volunteers and products for their respective catalogues and magazines. Delfina herself is on very good terms with Andromeda, and is happy to be working with such fine talents at Xanadu, and Andromeda herself is honored to be working with Delfina’s expertise and experience.