Biggest Little Fur Con 2016

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Biggest Little Fur Con (edit)
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Biggest Little Fur Con 2014
Biggest Little Fur Con 2015
Biggest Little Fur Con 2016
Biggest Little Fur Con 2017
Biggest Little Fur Con 2018
Biggest Little Fur Con 2019
Biggest Little Fur Con 2020
Biggest Little Fur Con 2021
Biggest Little Fur Con 2022
Biggest Little Fur Con 2023
Biggest Little Fur Con 2024

Biggest Little Fur Con staff
Biggest Little Fur Con guests of honor

Biggest Little Fur Con 2016 was the fourth iteration of the Biggest Little Fur Con convention. It took place over May 12-15, 2016[1] and was held at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno, Nevada, USA.[2] There were 3,651 attendees.[3]

Continuing on from Biggest Little Fur Con 2015, the theme of the convention was "Fallen Utopia",[4] with the explanatory text:[4]

Biggest Little Fur Con 2016
With the swing of a wrench,

Brometheus's vision of a perfect world was shattered.
His utopia brought down, the rebellion had won.

The rebellion that had so badly wanted to make its mark
was the only thing remaining.
Devoid of a leader, smaller voices grew louder:
some fun, some creative,
some strident, some stuck in the past.

Each thought they knew where to take this brave new world.
But the voices grew disonnant
and several factions emerged,
vying for land,
vying for fans,
and anything else they could get their grubby paws on.

Little is left in this world; only one question remains:
where will you leave your mark?

Biggest Little Fur Con 2016

The guests of honour were Drama Llama and Buddy.[5]

During closing ceremonies, it was mentioned that the following was raised:

  • $ 710 - Blackjack Tournament
  • $1,000 - Poker Tournament
  • $2,650 - Bachelor Auction (Estimated, mid-range)
  • $3,535 - Charity Auction
  • $7,895 - TOTAL Raised (Not including direct donations and a final donation from the event itself, which are yet to be announced.)

On July 18, 2016 it was announced that BLFC 2016 raised $36,000 for their charity, Safe Haven Rescue Zoo.[6]


  1. Tweet on the Biggest Little Fur Con account on Twitter. Dated September 28, 2015. Retrieved September 30, 2015.
  2. BLFC 2016: Hotel webpage archived 2016 February 1 at Retrieved 2016 March 9.
  3. BLFC 2016 Closing Ceremonies - BLFC, YouTube
  4. 4.0 4.1 Biggest Little Fur Con 2016 website. Retrieved September 30, 2015.
  5. Guests of Honour on the BLFC 2016 website. Retrieved May 16, 2016.
  6. Tweet on the Biggest Little Fur Con account on Twitter. Dated July 18, 2016. Retrieved October 18, 2016.

External links[edit]

Photos, videos, reports: Biggest Little Fur Con 2016 resources

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