Alpha Luna

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Alpha Luna
Luna's nightmares

Author(s) Loboleo
Update schedule Regularly once a week
Launch date 2nd of January, 2005
End Date Ongoing
Genre Fantasy
Censor panda nyr button.png

Alpha Luna is a webcomic by Loboleo, drawn in a Japanese-manga style.


Young Luna gets some nasty nightmares about stalking beasts, her body feels strange, her hair is growing too fast and she gets strong headaches, but tries to hide everything from her mother and her friend Collie because she does not want to worry them. But she's getting nervous, very nervous, to the point of reacting quite violently to her abusive schoolmates provocations, a behaviour very strange to her, a normally calm and quite shy girl.

Meanwhile, a strange boy with a scarred face and feral features, comes to Luna's town, searching for someone he calls "the Alpha".

Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow.

One night, coming home, Luna finds a bad surprise: some punks broke into her house and even hurt her mother. This starts a chain of events that will lead Luna to the strange boy and discover many things about herself and her past...(continuation of summary by -Alpha Beast- date:may 31 2012..)...also she did not seem to know that she was a natural born lycantrope or werewolf due to the fact that her real parents were killed by a rogue group of werewolves. She was then given to Laura as a child by one of the elders called Alban. At the age of 19 in her senior year of high school she met her friend Collie by saving her from being bullied by the most popular girl in school Gina. Collie is considered book smart and makes more friends with teachers rather than people her age, so all she has is Luna which makes her feel safer at school. As for Luna she is considered a tomboy due to the fact that she is the strongest in the building. Also she is very shy and quiet and has Collie to keep her company. She was mocked about being a slacker since she's the oldest in her class. She's 19 years old and has black hair with bright yellow eyes. Her first transformation all started when this classmate David started flirting and bothering her which lead to her getting annoyed and her palms got sweaty, her breathing changed for a while. Then she tripped on her way to the bathroom and got so angry she started seeing things like wolves. She then panicked, attacked an innocent classmate and was sent to the principal's office. Collie was worried of the outcome of Luna's actions and started imagning what would happen to Luna. Little did she know that Luna was standing right behind her listening to everything she had said. They enjoyed the day until it was time to go home. There Luna found thugs who destroyed the house and hurt her mother. Luna was hit unconscienous by one thug's bat, and took a blow to the head. She regained conscienous quickly though and found herself on the floor next to her mother who was asleep. Luna was bleeding from her head which began to bother her. She was crying for her mother's well being. And there,right there and then her soul was awakened and the transformation begun. Since Luna never transformed before she changed slowly which made it harder for her. When her transformation was complete she then killed some of the thugs due to the fact that there was already another lycan in the house...Fang. Fang is another lycan who prefers the anthro form or defensive shape rather than the true warrior form, lycan. He wishes to take the Alpha postion from Luna but he changed throughout the comic. Then Luna, Fang and Collie try to find the elders and fight threats like the sinister group of lycan called the Animas who killed their parents. Alpha Luna is a must-see manga that you will enjoy in every way possible. However it would be best for mature teens and adults.



Luna is a girl of few friends, mainly because she doesn't' like being the center of attention. Her low profile keeps her away from popular girls of which usually act as bullies against her only friend, Collie. And due to her known strength, ... Luna is usually labeled as a tomboy. Her childhood has always been a cloudy mess in her head, unaware of her bloodline gift: Lycanthropy. The reasons for her memory lost, so far, are unknown.


Collie is Luna's only and best friend since Secondary School. She use to be the girl ordered to fulfill the duties of the class, and because of her avid reading interest (mostly books about love stories and crime novels) and a incredible IQ (170), she usually ended up chatting with her teachers instead of having any real friendship with her classmates. Although she considers herself a friend of all people, popular girls don't bother paying attention to her. Due to this fact, her classmates use to bully her. But is thankful about her relationship with Luna that she feels "safer" than before. Aside from her intellectual side, she isn't passive at all. She is quite expressive with her feelings and doesn't mind to say what she thinks in the moment... to express herself, to correct someone's behavior, or for giving advice. Despite her age, what she has gained from older people is her maturity to respond, and because of this, she usually acts like Luna's second mother.

Fang/Alex(Human name)[edit]

Fang is usually a self-confident person and has a stubborn head when he is facing his objective. His confident behavior comes from his knowledge over his werewolf skills and his belief about people's ignorance about nature. Fang was raised by one of the Elders' survivors of the old Clan in the outskirts of Anthera. For some time he assisted primarily to fit in the human society where he started using the name "Alex". However due to his rebellious character this ended his sympathy to his human side once he managed to turn into a werewolf at the age of 17. 4 years later he searched for the chance to become the new Alpha.

Other Informations[edit]

Alpha Luna was published on Comic Genesis starting in 2005. The rating is defined by the author 'for Mature Teenagers and Adults', featuring some nudity and blood.

External links[edit]

Alpha Luna's homepage.