Adam Shilo Bear

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Adam's original first fursona
Aspen Bear and Paddlefoot (fursuiter) at Mephit Furmeet 2013.

Adam Shilo Bear, or just Adam, also known as WolfenWares, or just Wolfen, formerly as Aspen Bear (born February 2, 1992), is a male full-time artist by trade who lives in Memphis, Tennessee, USA.[1]

Fandom involvement[edit]

Adam sells his wares through several online stores under the handle WolfenWares.


Adam's present fursona is a werewolf.

His initial fursona was a blue, female, dyke Grizzly bear. This character used to reflect Aspen Bear in real life; her fursona copied everything that the real life Aspen did, loved, or hated.

Convention attendance[edit]


  1. Aspen Bear's profile on the Anthrocon website. Retrieved October 31, 2013.

External links[edit]

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