Long Island Furs

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Long Island Furs de facto Logo

The Long Island Furs is a social group based on Long Island, New York, USA.


The group was founded in the summer of 2006 and mainly comprises furries that live in Suffolk and Nassau County, but may include those in New York City and honorary members. Using Telegram membership as a metric, the group comprises around 340 members. The group is casual and doesn't have an official register.

The group was initially started as a weekly diner runs by the Umgotts Studios crew, including The Kemeeleon, Mitsu, Amadeus, Lunamor, and their friends, Joe Meyer, Thilus, and the Fur Keep crew (Gushi, Michelle Latta, and others).

Other than that, the only furry activity on the island were occasional Eric Kern's furmeets and the annual furry track at I-CON until Nekonaru Letao initiated the Long Island Furs LiveJournal community, officially organizing the group and having their first meetup at Nekonaru's OMGWTFBBQ in August of 2006, which continues to this day.

In addition to the BBQ, the group also frequently has bowling meets, public suiting, game nights, and house parties. Earlier, meets were coordinated over li-furs.org, maintained by Cubbi, but has migrated to the Telegram group.


These lists are incomplete due to the nature of the group



External links[edit]