User talk:GreenReaper

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Revision as of 06:16, 30 April 2006 by MrZebra (Talk | contribs)

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Hi there! Welcome to GreenReaper's talk page. You can send a message to me by editing this page, and I will leave a reply for you later on your own page.

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Hi, GreenReaper

This is partly a test to see if I've got this editor figured out before I do anything important with it. I notice someone put in an entry for yours truly (in fact that's how I wandered in - I was checking old Other Suns links which led to Nicolai's entry which led to mine) which I may update later; at least I suppose the fact that I was Den Mother of ConFurence for years and am now holding that position in CaliFur is at interesting as anything already there. Also an excuse for putting in a few Ursa Major links inasmuch as I maintain the Recommended List.

Speaking of which, I got your note suggesting the addition of WikiFur to the Recommended Anthropomorphics list for this year - makes sense, though I'll have to discuss where to put it with the rest of the committee. We're currently counting nominations for this year's Ursa Major ballot. --Yealurowluro 00:58, 6 April 2006 (UTC)

Glad you got my note! I wasn't entirely sure if I should suggest it myself, but I figured it's something that's worth reading. :-)
It looks like you have the wiki editing figured out. Please do contribute to any articles you find lacking, and good luck figuring out those nominations. --GreenReaper(talk) 21:04, 5 April 2006 (PDT)

Moving assistance.

Hey GreenReaper,

Thanks for the help moving the page for my listing. I was woundering if it should have been moved over as you did, but didn't have time IRL to send a message. The dire warning kinda steared me off. (I figured I would mess around with my own page before messing up some one elses =)

No problem! A lot of people start off in the User: namespace, as that's where you would normally do it on (e.g.) Wikipedia.

Let me know if I'm misplacing anyother articles so we can keep the database as consistant as possable! (Or if you have any other suggestions)

I'm sure I or another contributor will let you know should that be the case. :-)

I hope the format of the post is accaptable. I wrote the thing in third person as if I was writing about someone else. Thanks again - PG

That was fine. Feel free to edit your User: page if you want to say something from first-person persepective in addition to that which is already there (but don't feel you have to - most people are just fine with what's on the page about them already). --GreenReaper(talk) 03:02, 7 April 2006 (UTC)


Thank you for the kind welcome. Though I've been active on Wikipedia forever (and I'm admin there), I've only just discovered wikifur today. I'm happy to help out in any area that needs it, and I've already added stubs for Wild Life and Wildlifers! Andrew Lenahan - Starblind 15:43, 7 April 2006 (PDT)

Excellent . . . *scoops up some cover pics for those* --GreenReaper(talk) 23:27, 7 April 2006 (UTC)

View counts

I've noticed that the view counts in Special:Popularpages have not updated at least since last Thursday on several articles I've been following, even though I've viewed some of those articles myself during that time. I've verified this from two different computers and used a couple of other tricks to make reasonably certain it's not a browser cache issue. What gives?

Edit: There are also several hundred articles that currently show 0 views. --mwalimu 14:23, 10 April 2006 (UTC)

Yes. I had a chat with the admins and apparently they had to discontinue popular pages updating due to server loads. We can get the same sort of information from the google analytics stats, so it's no great loss, although it is a pity that people can't access that without talking to me first.
As this makes the page rather useless, I've removed the link in the main page header and added in links to the article and user talk pages instead. --GreenReaper(talk) 16:29, 10 April 2006 (UTC)

Re my WikiFur entry

Just noticed that you had stuck in an unwritten link from the Kay Shapero entry for the Anthropomorphic Literature and Arts Association. I had deliberately NOT put a link there, because the ALAA exists to produce the Recommended List and present the Ursa Major awards, both of which have links right after the reference. So I figured it would be superfluous. What do you think? I could probably write an entry, but it'd only be a couple of lines long and probably wouldn't contain much you can't find out from the other two links. --Yealurowluro

(I'm not GR, but we never have a shortage of opinions around here! :-) Actually, even the small amount of information you mention would be useful, if only to define the parametes of the organization and to show that it is independent of any other organization out there (when I first saw mention of ALAA, I erroneously conflated it with AAE, which is a different beastie entirely). ----DuncanDaHusky(talk) 00:28, 11 April 2006 (UTC)
That's basically why I put it in there (also because I rememebered it was linked in Ursa Major Awards). If you really don't think it should have an entry, take it out, but as Duncan mentions, Anthropomorphic Arts and Education seems to do well enough. It's a short page, but it gives a link to the organization, and as it is a separate page it can be put into Category:Organizations which helps us keep a tab on all such organizations. --GreenReaper(talk) 03:19, 11 April 2006 (UTC)

To Stub or Not to Stub?

Is there a guideline as to when a short article (which just doesn't have much to say) doesn't need to be tagged as a stub? 1000 bytes, etc.? Wouldn't stop anyone from dropping in to make changes anyway. Just curious. --Frizzy 23:11, 14 April 2006 (UTC)

I usually go by the rule of whether I feel there's anything that ought to be added (but that I'm not sure about or don't know or don't feel like putting in right now). -- Siege(talk) 05:02, 15 April 2006 (UTC)
The general rule is "if there is probably something that could be added fairly easily by someone who doesn't know much about the topic" (say with a few minutes of google searching) then it is a stub. If not, then it is not a stub, although if you can describe it entirely in a couple of lines, it is probably a strong candidate for merging with another article. --GreenReaper(talk) 08:04, 15 April 2006 (UTC)


Thanks for the quick feedback! I was looking through WikiFur's style guide and had another question: Are there any guidelines on category order at the end of articles? I was going through alphabetically, but it might be helpful to define this in the style guide if there's a prefered order to doing this. --Frizzy 19:10, 16 April 2006 (UTC)

Technically any order is fine. In practice, for articles about people I've tended to do People and then subcategories of People (note that we only do this category + subcategory thing with people so as to get a full listing in that category), and then their location and year of birth/death. In general I would put the most important or relevant category first, but that's just a personal style. --GreenReaper(talk) 20:44, 16 April 2006 (UTC)
What you describe is what I've been doing, GreenReaper. I described it in some detail over at Category_talk:Root. -- Sine 21:37, 16 April 2006 (UTC)

Requesting page protection

How do I go about requesting my page to be locked so that only myself and administrators can edit it? --Banrai

You just did. I'm at work right now so I can't really look that closely to ensure it's appropriate, but I will later this evening.
Be aware that "your page" is User:Banrai. Banrai is "the page about you". As such it is expected to be reasonably complete, and I do find it odd that there is no mention or reference to the actions mentioned in a certain LiveJournal entry that comes up when searching for your name. What's past is past, and it is important not to dwell on it, but it does deserve recording so that people understand how things ended up as they are today (and so we don't get complaints on the talk page from people who think things are being hidden). I will try and see about that tonight as well. I'm not a concerned party other than ensuring the accuracy of the article, and I don't particularly want to raise any drama about it, so fear not - it'll be brief.
Oh, and just something I noticed glancing over the page - you only need to link to other articles the first time a linkable name comes up, not every time. It's assumed that people will already have clicked on the link if they want to go to it. :-) --GreenReaper(talk) 15:04, 19 April 2006 (UTC)
I added a small blurb about... that. But feel free to edit it as you see fit. It's a very personal preferance that the article itself not actually be linked, since it IS over and done, but.. yeah, you're the mod. I also went back in and fixed the massive-linking, so it looks a little cleaner now. ;3 --Banrai
I've not linked it. Instead, I spent a while reading various sources, then tried to give a summary of your actions, the context behind them - part of which was already evident in previous sections - and the response from others, without turning it into a duplicate of that post (or another Sibe). I think it says all that needs to be said about that without taking up too much of the article. If people really want to know more, I'm sure they can find out for themselves - but I suspect for most it is enough that they will not feel the need to do so.
As for your request, the article seems a good one as it stands. I will post a notice on the talk page, and unless there is significant dissent from the WikiFur community I will enable the page protection within a day or so. If at a later point you decide that you no longer want the page protected then any admin can help you remove it at request. --GreenReaper(talk) 06:35, 20 April 2006 (UTC)

Repeated vandalism and blocking

I've just blocked an IP for what I now see is repeated vandalism. (Three incidents so far.) Do we have an understood point where we block for longer periods, or infinitely? -- Sine 03:20, 21 April 2006 (UTC)

I would say go up by one category per repeated offense - hours, days, weeks, months, years (or forever). If all they do is vandalism feel free to skip a step. We're not Wikipedia, we've not really got time to deal with trouble again and again. --GreenReaper(talk) 03:32, 21 April 2006 (UTC)

Vandal IPs found and They were found posting images of the vandalism in /b/

Questions about Des Lee?

Hey there! Thought I'd drop a line and see if I could answer any questions you might have about Desiree. I set up a basic entry for her awhile ago, but I'd noticed you had a question or two concerning her on my page. Anyway, if I can be of assistance, let me know! Thanks!

Note my recent edit and comment on the talk page, but I'll carry over here and say that I think the question was about those quote-marks around "friend". -- Siege(talk) 20:30, 22 April 2006 (UTC)
Yep, replied on the talk page. --GreenReaper(talk) 21:24, 22 April 2006 (UTC)

Edit patrols

It's about this time that I think bringing back the "patrol this edit" marker may be a good idea. It just has to be explained clearly: "These markers are for admin to make rounds of patrols through the various edits," and so forth. I'd also like to suggest a proxy banlist which is shared across Wikia. That way, once a proxy is confirmed, all wikis have the option of automatically banning it. -- Siege(talk) 06:24, 26 April 2006 (UTC)

I would support the creation of a shared proxy banlist with all of Wikia. Is there a feature for this currently in mediawiki or would it have to be added through some sort of module? -- DeVandalizer 06:33, 26 April 2006 (UTC)
This might be a good idea. We are getting a lot of edits - certainly more than I manage to have the time to look at, let alone edit. We can probably try enabling it for a time.
I think there is actually a proxy blacklist. We may be using a service, in which case it probably doesn't get everything. JasonR on the live chat would be the perosn to talk to about that (or he's available via technical at wikia dot com, or the wikia-l mailing list, or the wikia LiveJournal). --GreenReaper(talk) 08:12, 26 April 2006 (UTC)

Thanks for the Welcome!

I was figuring it would come at some point or another. Very much appreciated. :) Bastique 13:00, 27 April 2006 (UTC)

Database error on page move

I was attempting to move Art Show over its redirect Art show (note the caps - one is the name of a show, the other is a type), and I received this error:

A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. The last attempted database query was:
UPDATE `wikicities`.`gpage` SET page_namespace = '0',page_title = 'Art_show' WHERE page_namespace = '0' AND page_title = 'Art_Show'
from within function "Database::update". MySQL returned error "1062: Duplicate entry 'furry-0-Art_show' for key 2 (".

Would you mind passing this on to the Wikia folks? Looks like the parser is missing the routine which checks for a page/redirect/whatever under the name being moved to. Thanks. -- Siege(talk) 10:13, 28 April 2006 (UTC)

Hi Back.

I think I'll just leave the Kevin Duane item as it is. While there's a hundred times more, it isn't really that important,and what's there is probably impartial enough. Though I doubt very much Kevin would own up to much on the negative side of the ledger.

By the way, what would keep him from editing out everything he didn't like, and painting a glowing picture of himself?


Hi, thanks for the welcome! I just have to say that I'm very impressed by the speed at which the articles are updated :)

--MrZebra 10:16, 30 April 2006 (UTC)