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Atkelar (born 1975), is an Austrian puppeteer who does short comedic pawpet video clips. Atkelar prefers to be known to the fandom only by his fan name to avoid real life run-ins with trolls.[1]

Fandom involvement

He started puppetry in early 2008 after watching the Funday PawPet Show for about three months and has since aquired several Folkmanis puppets. Since the Funday PawPet Show was his source of inspiration, he likes to premiere his works on that show, with a simultaneous upload to his YouTube account.

On the Anthrochat IRC network, he can be found as a semi-regular visitor in the #eurofurs, #furry, and sometimes the #fursuit channels. He usually remain quiet since his policy is not to say anything if he has nothing constructive, or at least funny, to add to the conversation.[citation needed]

Atkelar has attended Eurofurence 14, although health problems prevented him from being active more than three or four hours per day. He came back for Eurofurence 15 where he hosted a panel about video production (listed as "Video Editing"), and had the Al Shepherd character (Folkmanis sheepdog puppet + self made hat),[clarify] run up and down the registration line, filming with a pawpet sized camera.[citation needed]

At Eurofurence 16 he hosted two panels: a repeat of the video editing panel and a pawpet roundtable.

At Eurofurence 17, as Flutterby - the founder and thus far lead of the Fursuit Gameshow - couldn't make it that year, Atkelar became a lead member of the team, sharing this position with Furvan and Kazzador, including being an on-stage referee during the stage show. Eurofurence 18 and Eurofurence 19 saw him as the official team lead for the Fursuit Gameshow from the get go, including his role as on-stage referee.

Atkelar is a regular contributor to the Funday PawPet Show's wiki, and is also one of the mods in the Funday PawPet Show's IRC channel.

In 2014 he was invited by NewEinstein to handle the official con photography for NordicFuzzCon: the Fursuit Photoshoot and the convention group pictures: Fursuit group and attendees.


Atkelar's fursona is a black cat with blue eyes sporting a pony-tail hairdo, and a silver earring in his left ear.

Convention attendance

  • Euroference - 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
  • NordicFuzzCon - 2014


Aside from the pawpet videos, Atkelar plays around with traditional media and digitally with Photoshop.

In late 2011, more precisely at Eurofurence, the idea of an "made in Austria" furry video with some more production value than the usual music videos lead to the creation of "Dog's Life". As of early 2014 two episodes have been made, showing the life and antics of Dog the Dog in black and white silent film style. They can be found in Atkelar's channel on both YouTube and Vimeo.

In 2010 he created a 3D animation video, essentially just to try out that artistic field. He was looking for a possibility to create short animated episodes using the same characters and a minimalistic style to speed up the process. Thus the idea of Frucosiadas (see YouTube channel) was born; anthropomorphic cough drops that have a starfish like shape and slightly translucent body, yet no facial features. The name was again found by using a random name generator and fixing it up a bit for pronunciation.

In December 2008 Atkelar decided to try out podcasting, created a channel on PodBean.


  1. LiveJournal-profile, "Bio" section.

External links

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