Ringberg Hotel

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The Ringberg Resort Hotel (German: Ringberghaus, also known as the Ringberghotel) is a hotel located east of Suhl, Thuringia in Germany. It was the location of Eurofurence 13, 14 and 15.

The hotel is situated on top of the Ringberg, a large hill overlooking the town of Suhl. It has 290 rooms spread over six floors, and has convention space in the basement as well as a dance hall on the ground floor. There is also a large indoor swimming pool, a bar, and a two-level outdoor terrace. Along the side of the hotel is a large parking area. The hotel's location is relatively isolated and mostly surrounded by dense pine forest, with a long and steep winding road leading from the town to the top of the hill. From the hotel, particularly the upper floors, there is a wide view of the forest and other surroundings.


The Ringberg hotel was well liked by both Eurofurence staff and attendees. The relationship between the hotel's staff and Eurofurence was also good, with some staff members voluntarily participating in convention events. The hotel's bartender, André Oppitz, was particularly liked by congoers and was even invited to Eurofurence 16 at its new location in Magdeburg. The convention had already outgrown the hotel the second year, requiring an overflow hotel down in central Suhl to house the additional attendees. Nevertheless, the convention was held at the same location for a third year, because staff did not want to part with the hotel. Special arrangements had to be made to facilitate a convention of 900 people in a hotel designed for no more than 600.

For many people, Eurofurence 15 was a farewell to the Ringberg hotel, as the convention was moved to the larger Maritim Hotel in Magdeburg the following year. A farewell video named "Goodbye, Ringberg Hotel" was made, with congoers expressing their thanks to the hotel staff for three wonderful years. Uncle Kage went on to say:

Ringberg Hotel
I command three of the largest hotels, in one of the largest cities in the USA. I would trade all of them away for one Ringberg.
Ringberg Hotel

After the end of EF 15, some furs got together to organise new events in the Ringberg. The first to be held was a furmeet called Suhlvester, on new years' eve. The following year, Ringberg Revival was held right after EF 16. Both events were successfully repeated in 2011.


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