Butch RPG

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Butch - Ed and Tom Banner.png
Butch the Comic Series
Author(s) Fuu Gaiden
Update schedule Continuing
Launch date January 14 2006
Genre Adult, Action, Adventure, Comedy
Censor NC17.png

Butch RPG (Japanese: 派對 乱暴者 Hofuru Party) is a series of comics and illustrations placed together and made for the general public by the artist Fuu Gaiden

Featuring a cat and a dog, as it’s two main protagonists, Butch is a story that is told in the distant future during the year 3039 inside a large metropolis where many people and other life can co-exist, although each comic has it’s own dialogue to tell, all of it is a sand-alone project and together they don’t make up a large plot and because of this, most of the events that happen may seem vague but over time some episode will have some valid information to show

The X-rated comic along with other images are shown in furaffinity while the other images are shown in Deviantart


  • Kai (Japanese: ケー Kai) [Ed] is the leader
  • Yuki (Japanese: ユウキ Yuuki) [Tom] is the partner
  • Midori (Japanese: 緑 モチノキ科 Midori Hori) [Holly Greene]
  • Kepuraa (Japanese: ケプラー ロイ Kepuraa Roi) [Kepler] is the Villain


Comic (X-Rated)
Others (Y Rated)