Ed (character)

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Ed the Dog as he appears in the comic .
Edward エド Kai
Gender Male
Class Scout
Age 32
Height 6 feet 3 inches
Weight 412 pounds
Birthplace Nester Town
Weapon Gun
Favorite hero Capt. Various

Edward Mutt (Japanese: エド Saeki Kai) (born April 3, 1981) is a fictional character in the comic book series Butch, he is one of the two main protagonists and focuses of the story, he is also created by Fuu Gaiden.


Ed is a dog that trains with his uncle in a small house in the outskirts of his birthplace, Big City, as he does so, he practices on basic combat and agility, waiting for the day when he can make his own adventure and become the man he always wanted to be, when he does begin his journey, Ed battles with various men and collects 4 small object called, Icons and learns four lessons along the way and afterwards, he figures out who he is in life and what he should do.

After getting his official papers and following his dreams, Ed returns home to rest from his journey, when he returns he finds that his uncle has left and that he's the only person who can take care of his house (which was left in a giant mess), Ed decides to settle down , get a job at the local factory and fix the broken things, after 3 months Ed finally finishes, things go back to normal with Ed planning on restarting on his adventure.

Personality Ed is a big Golden Retriever who lives with his husband Tom, he is a laid back person whom likes to collect comic books, play video games and watch cartoons, he also likes to play football whenever he can and on his spear time, he like to go to the arcade or eat at the hamburger shop when he relaxes with his friends; In contrast to Tom's life and background, Ed lives loose and free, he does drugs, drinks liquor and smokes cigars, he basically does whatever, when he feels like doing it.

He is also seen in nearly every episode and Throughout the time he makes an appearance, he usually has a tough guy image.


In the early stages of the series, Ed wore a red sleeved T-shirt and black pants with red shoes, he also had blacked bags under his eyes, later on his body has dramatically changed to fit his personality, he has a Five o'clock shadow and a brighter texture of fur, his underbelly is brighter then the rest of his body, on the bottom on his feet, it has the same color as his underbelly, the bags under his eyes have been colored bit it is a darker tone then the rest of his body, instead of wearing the "toon gloves" Ed has changed to wearing biker gloves, he wears a red collar with a circle shaped tag with his name on it; He no longer wears cloths and shoes.
