Fluffy Waddles

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Fluffy Waddles
Cub Social Network
Author(s) Owner: Spirit Silverwind
Status Offline
Launch date October 1, 2014
Genre social networking
Web 14

Fluffy Waddles was an attempt by xaniene, aka spirit silverwind to start a furry social networking site for the babyfur community and supporters.

It has since been offline, and superseded by "furgather" - a community mostly operating on telegram.


Fluffy Waddles was founded October 1, 2014, by Spirit Silverwind. In the first month there were over 265 new member registrations and over 113,000 page views. The site continued to grow and gain popularity among the members of the furry community.[citation needed] However, repeated attacks against the site and its staff from those described as having "acted up" and "started fights" caused sign-ups to be screened.

In May 2015, an administrator "accidentally dropped the database tables", with the loss of all user accounts, posts, comments and PMs.

After the database tables where dropped the staff team stayed up all night fixing it and got the site back up in less then 24 hours, the site is still ongoing and growing.

As a result of Social Engine issues Spirit has decided to work on a project to try to resolve the issues.

Features and content[edit]

Fluffy Waddles is based on social networking software, and so its most notable primary features were similar to mainstream social networking sites, such as the ability to post and comment on status updates, photos, links, as well as friendships, groups, forums, and polls. The site also allows users to file abuse reports which were reviewed by administrators.

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