Furry Spirit Score

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Furry Spirit Score, or FSS for short, is a part of the dual-component rating system used among Russian Furry Community to indicate the level of interest to furries of a particular novel, comic, movie, or other storyline-based creative work.

Furry Spirit Score is measured on a scale 1 through 10, or, in a simplified fashion, low, medium, or high, and indicates whether the main characters employed in the story are furry in behavior, low corresponding to purely human behavior ("humans in fursuits" syndrome), medium to moderately augmented society (examples include active use of animalistic traits), and high to either completely inhuman behavior (e.g. extraterrestrial furry races), or behavior uncharacteristic of humans.

FSS and Furry Appearance Score (FAS) are independent components of the rating system; a story with a high FSS may have a low FAS, and vice versa.

Stories with low FSS and medium or high FAS sometimes are referred to as Rabbits in waistcoats.