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Anti-furries, also known (in polite terms) as Furry critics, are those individuals who find furries and the furry fandom as a whole or in part to be repulsive, especially any and all aspects having to do with furry sexuality. Some of them also tend to exhibit great interest in the sociology of the furry community.

Anti-furries are sometimes referred to as "non-furs" and "mundanes", although the latter is more commonly used to refer to anyone who is not a member of the fandom.


Within the fandom

  • Previous members of the furry fandom who have become disillusioned and/or disgusted with furry. They may consider themselves "anti-furry" while still continuing to produce and/or consume media relating to anthropomorphics, using fursonas or participating in conventions or MUCKs. Conversely, they may not only cease any interest or association with furry fandom in the future, but will actively deny any previous involvement from then on.

Outside the fandom

  • Members that may have never had any association with the fandom to begin with, and target its members for harassment for various reasons only known to themselves (peer pressure, personal hate, for lulz, Fursecution, etc...).
  • Members that are known to hate furries due to the various negative connections to disturbing sexual fetishes, as well as the stereotype of furries being depicted in mainstream media as socially inept, odd, with poor personal hygiene, and often delusional.

Anti-furry groups or communities

Many online communities have a strong anti-furry slant, such as Something Awful, 4chan, and Vivisector is an example of a site primarily catering to a general dislike of current furry fans and fandom.

The reasons given for their behavior run the gamut from true harassment to just getting a few people together to laugh at the reaction of most furries to provoking drama. Members often contend that such sites merely exhibit the true state of the furry community, or at least a portion of it.

See also