Aeithe Thornbane

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Aeithe Thornbane is the fursona name of an not well known furry artist that goes by "Thornbane" -- is a fursuiter who lives in Walnut, California, U.S.A. Aeithe Thornbane is a White Timber Wolf, more specifically a white timber wolf who has been genetically altered. She has no unnatural markings or colors, except her eyes are a vibrant green. She is known to wear a Crimson red feather behind her left ear.

Thornbane's art can be found on her FurAffinity She also has an account with Wolf Haven, her username is Aeithe.

Many have heard the legend of how the sun granted the phoenix immortality, and how the phoenix showed her undying gratitude by serenading the sun every evening as it settled into the west horizon. When the time came for the phoenix to nest and become reborn, she fell short of her journey. Before she could complete the renewing ritual, the sun had set and she was left to die. She sang of her sorrows and regrets as the moon listened silently. Finishing her final song she fell to ashes. The moon became saddened by the bird’s song, and decided to granted the female one last life to live as she pleased.

The Phoenix asked for a life where she would not be hunted, for a voice that would express a feeling through a single note, and for her not to remember the suns treacherous betrayal. The moon shined down upon her ashes and granted her a new life. A simple white wolf was born.
