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Revision as of 07:41, 23 October 2006 by Scottykat (Talk | contribs)

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Scottykat is the fursona and Internet handle of Scott D. Harris, (born 24-April-1988) an Internet author and film-maker. While he more frequently roleplays as a cat, he has on occassion taken the form of a naga. Harris resides in South-East England with his family.

Scottykat ties up an annoying protagonist.

Bijou Ryno

Bijou Ryno are a fictitious rock band who travel across various worlds through an unknown method referred to as 'world bridges,' or the Stephen King-inspired 'thinnies.' They are on the frontlines of the 'Great Music War,' which is a pastiche of the headbanger/mod conflict of the 1960s and 1970s. The band have a shrine to various rock 'n' roll heroes, centred around a golden model of Freddie Mercury. The band

Current Line-Up

Scottykat (a cat) on lead vocals and guitar, Vie (a skunk) on drums, Jack Sax (a mouse) on saxophone and Brock-Tor (an iguana) on bass.


Set in the titular fictional city, Eunectus is a mob/crime drama that revolves around the activities of the protagonists King Michael and his symbolic son Blaine the Collector. The citizens are Eunectus are all nagas, which is a break-away from the usual pseudo-medieval fantasy setting. Common foes include the centaurs from another city, Linnae, and Michael's arch-nemesis, Chief Inspector Ramone.

External links

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