Sian Silverhair

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Revision as of 13:48, 12 September 2006 by Sian Silverhair (Talk | contribs)

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A portrait of Sian by the artist herself, May 2006

Sian Silverhair (Proper name: Karen Hutchins) is a young female furry artist from northeastern Massachusetts, USA. Her fursona's species is the leopard-spotted mookitty. Occasionally, Sian is depicted as a hermaphroditic dragon which closely resembles her mookitty form.

Sian is a Welsh name, and its correct pronunciation is "Shan." Sian prefers the phonetic "Cyan".

She has been happily dating Tohri Ferinn since March 2006.

She is currently held hostage by three cockatiels and a budgie, who force her to draw furry art for torn pages from the latest issue of Full Metal Alchemist.


Generally, Sian is a friendly, level-headed fur with liberal beliefs. She and enjoys debating and ranting -- sometimes regarding the fandom, sometimes on other subjects. This, as well as an apparent love for drama, has caused some to label her a "drama queen".

Sian is fully aware of the furry fandom's quirks, but has decided to take an intelligent outlook towards them. She is known for discussing the more "horrific" side of the fandom out in the open.

Internet Presence

Sian has been enjoying the internet since 1996 under various names, but she did not discover the fandom until 2003. This transcribes her post-discovery presence.

  • Sian is the founder and webmistress of Yiffsnark.
  • Under her real name (Karen), Sian is the head moderator of NeoLodge, a PG-rated Neopets help site and community.
  • Sian was a popular poster at the VCL Horrors LiveJournal community until she was banned in late April 2006 by BigBadMod, who alleged that she was trolling, flame-baiting, and posting material violating the community's "no amateur work" rule.
  • Sian was a member of the Furtopia forums from 2003-2004 as "Silverhair"; she was banned for creating drama.


Sian was unbanned from VCL_Horrors for 12-24 hours on September 1st. She was re-banned when, in response to a new rule where users could not guess the BBM identity, she publically pointed out that Exodite_Dragon had left his email in AE_Horrors's community profile.

As such, Sian is credited to have "outed" one user of the BigBadMod account. She, however, is not involved with the mass community deletion, though some have used her as a scapegoat.


While mostly a G-rated artist and semi-cartoonist, she has recently been drawing more adult-oriented art. She tends to focus on the female body, but recently has begun making anatomically-correct herm art. Her style can vary from sugary to creepy.

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Often, she will put a lot of effort into drawing horrors, intended as a form of humor.

External links

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