Felix Carni

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Felix Carni, or just Felix, is a "not-so-average" leopard from the cold, remote corner of Europe called Norway. Felix was born in, and have lived most of his 27+ years in a town not far from Norway's capital, Oslo.
He is fairly average when it comes to appearance, but he is known to have some exhibitionistic tendencies. Especially at furmeets, where collar, cat eye contacts, tails etc. often are part of his wardrobe. This is a huge contrast to his shyness when it comes to talking to people he doesn't know/know well.

Felix have been fascinated by Australia for as long as he can remember, and is currently planning on visiting the land down under sometime late 2007. This fascination has given birth to a special Australian form of his fursona.


The Felix people know is an ethereal, winged leopard. The feature that can be used to identify Felix is his wings. Made from ethereal energy, they don't have any real set shape or consistency. Usually they appear to be feathery wings, either black or white, made from smoke, but they can be anything.


Felix can appear as the following.
Anthro - Basic biped. Usually wearing black pants and leather coat. Single tail and wings
Feral - Looks like a normal leopard, with the exception of his wings and two tails
Taur - Anthro upper body on a large leopard body. No wings, two tails. This is a rare form.
Rubber - A liquid latex roleplaying form only used in #rubberfurs on furnet.
Felix Carnifex - A Thylacoleo. A native Australian version of Felix.


Felix is (as far as he knows) currently the only fursuiter in Norway. Swandog and Sayh will hopefully make sure it won't stay like that for long. Felix's suit is a partial leopard suit (head, handpaws/arms and tail, with feetpaws in the making) made by the talented Rose Quoll.


As a known geek, there isn't much surprise when it comes to Felix's choice of profession. He is currently employed as an in house sys-admin/user support person (aka. "IT coordinator") for the Norwegian branch of a multi national company.


Felix is lucky enough to be allowed to share his apartment with a small cat called Tamasii. She is a grey and white semi-longhaired mix, born late August - early September 2005. Abandoned by her mother, a homeless cat, at an approximate age of 6 weeks she was rescued by Felix's sister, and then adopted by Felix. Tamasii has been the queen of Felix's household ever since.


Felix loves riding his bicycle. If the weather isn't too bad, and nothing else demands his attention he's often seen riding in and around his hometown. His favorite area to ride is in the forrest, but he spends most of the time riding on tarmac because of his location.
He is also member of the local Kyokushinkai Karate club, though he has been on a hiatus for the last 5 months because of an injury.
In addition to that, he spends a lot of time in front of the computer, keeping an eye on his LiveJournal friendslist, a selection of IRC channels and various other stuff. The interest for computer games disappeared about 2 years ago, with a couple of exceptions (like Oblivion)


Felix cannot be considered a well traveled person. Up until a couple of years ago, he had barely been outside of Norway. He have visited the following countries
- Romania (1984)
- Sweden (several times)
- Denmark (several times)
- Greece (2003 & 2005)
- USA (2005)
- Canada (2005, short visit)

Future plans include - USA (2006)
- Australia (2007)
- Scotland/Britain


Anthrocon 2005
Anthrocon 2006 (will attend)

External links