Otterdam Furry Arts Festival

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The Otterdam Furry Arts Festival is an upcoming furry art event that will be hosted in Rotterdam. the Netherlands, somewhere in Autumn 2024. The goal is to provide an event with a low barrier of entry to allow a wide range of people to come into contact with the creative nature of furries.

Lead-up to the event

The organizers of the event, Stichting Otterdam, previously hosted several furry rave events under the name Otterdance. In October of 2023, they decided to pitch the idea for a furry arts festival to the municipality of Rotterdam, through their Pitcher Perfect 010 programme[1]. This endeavor ended up being a success, as the subsidy was granted.

Contents of the event

The event hopes to include[2], among other things:

  • A fursuit parade
  • Furry-related workshops
  • A gallery arts exhibition
  • An "Artist Alley" marketplace
  • A film festival
  • A dance event


  1. The Pitcher Perfect programme of the municipality of Rotterdam
  2. The official website of the Otterdam Furry Arts Festival

External links