Stichting Otterdam

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Stichting Otterdam is a Dutch nonprofit organisation first announced from the stage of Otterdance 3 on 4 June 2023[1] and formalized on 14 July 2023.[2] Its first President ("Voorzitter") is Jack Newhorse; its first Secretary/Treasurer ("Secretaris Penningmeester") is Techwolf12.


As the Executive Summary section of its foundational document[3] says:

Stichting Otterdam concerns anthropomorphic arts and entertainment, commonly known as "furry". Through furry arts, people find new ways to see themselves and others by mixing self-image with animal archetypes. The result is nuanced ideas of incarnation informed by culture, history, and individual aspirations.

The organisation has two purposes. First, to continue producing furry-centred activities, including the furry club night Otterdance. In this sense it's like other furry nonprofits, such as those that run conventions.

Its second purpose, however, is unique: It will seek out opportunities to expand interaction between furry arts and entertainment, and those of the larger world. It sees furry as an aesthetic rather than a culture — one that should be open to a broader audience, and that the wider world hungers to appreciate. To serve this goal, Stichting Otterdam will seek out arts institutions, academics, event producers, and other collaborators with an appreciation for the aesthetic.


Stichting Otterdam has run Otterdance starting with Otterdance 4 on 9 December 2023. (Prior to that it was run by Tom Geller Productions, a Dutch sole proprietorship.)

As the result of a pitch competition held on 24 October 2023, Stichting Otterdam was granted €7.000 by the City of Rotterdam ("Gemeente Rotterdam") to run the "Otterdam Furry Arts Festival" in autumn 2024.[4] This will engage local (non-furry) arts institutions and is believed to be the first public-facing furry event of its kind. Planned activities may include art workshops, an Artists Alley, a gallery exhibition, receptions, a film/video festival, and an "Otterdance" dance party.


  1. Announcement by Jack Newhorse from the stage of Otterdance 3,
  2. Kamer van Koophandel (Chamber of Commerce) listing for Stichting Otterdam
  3. "Stichting Otterdam: Foundational document",
  4. Announcement on Bluesky of the grant from Gemeente Rotterdam for the Otterdam Furry Arts Festival

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