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Revision as of 19:17, 11 September 2023 by Phoxman1982 (Talk | contribs)

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Article Now Policed By IP Owner

PhoxWorx Ltd. Co. wishes to remove this page but there appears to be a lack of a removal feature or method to request such, therefor we will now be policing this page and it's discussion checking for accuracy and undoing edits which we feel do not reflect the scope and spirit of the trademarked service (WereScape). Any misinformation going forward will be considered deformation and promptly removed. If someone from the moderation and/or administration comes across this message, we ask that this page be removed from WikiFur. We can add a page with a message to the domain to verify ownership and our wishes. Until then we will continue to make sure the accuracy of the information contained within this page as well as the discussion page are accurate. As long as the information is kept accurate edits will be authorized to remain in place.

There has only been a single owner of the original project (Virtual Fandom) and the current project WereScape, PhoxWorx Ltd. Co. and it's CEO (Danger) also known as ThePhox1982 and Phoxman1982. Claims by Vtwolf82 of ownership are false and any further edits by aforementioned user as-well-as any one else posting misinformation or information not matching the spirit and scope of the project will promptly be entirely undone.

Cancelation Date

I don't know when the website was replaced by the cancelation notice, would be nice if someone could add the month when known. Greetings, RealZero 10:23, 12 September 2008 (UTC)

I added the date for you, we're still here though, slow progress but here, cheers! -Phoxman1982

The project is back but now owned by myself. -Phoxman1982 (Jan 2019)


Just added more of a feature summary. -Danger (Phoxman1982)

[Jan 2019] More information to come as the project has been revived in January 2019. -Danger (Phoxman1982)

[Oct 2022] Progress was delayed but this is now been back on track since Feb 2022. -Danger (Phoxman1982)

[Nov 2022] Clarifications and accuracy edits have been made to the article by Danger (Phoxman1982).

[Jan 2023] Made the article much better layed out and also took the time to correct some information to make it more historically accurate. -Danger (Phoxman1982)

[Sept 2023] Corrected some previously missed errors and updated my username since I lost me password and also didn't have the old email address anymore for recovery. I can however prove I am the owner if it should be questioned via adding a page with a statement to the website if that is deemed necessary. Among the corrections made was that Danger didn't acquire the name WereScape or the project from another person named Nittrus Nori as Danger (myself) was previously known as Nittrus Nori, so I'm not quite sure why it was stated that way, so this has been corrected.

Merge with article about the administrator?

If I'm reading the information in the article correctly, this never quite reached beta stage. -- Sine 15:24, 6 February 2012 (EST)

The new project is in internal alpha testing currently (Nov 2022), it essentially is a brand new project based on the original name though includes all of the features the original project would have had and much more. Phoxman1982