Charles Ettinger

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Charles Ettinger (born 1969),[1] is a professional artist who lives in Memphis, Tennessee, USA.[1]


In 1987, Charles graduated from Overton High School for Performing Arts, with the highest grade in the advanced-placement art class' year-end portfolios.[1] He then took a year-long vocational course in commercial art, also cross-training in lithographic photography and paper printing.

Upon completing the course, Charles began his career as an artist.

Fandom involvement[edit]

Charles has contributed to many furry comic book projects, such as pencil and ink chores for Shanda Fantasy Arts (including his own project, Furtual Reality) and headlining the return of the classic Atomic Mouse.[1] Charles works on the webcomic The Town of Skyward (includes "The Reptile Gang" and "Wild Hare and the Astounding Z-Men") and the fan webcomic Looney Lanterns.

In 2010, Charles was the winner of the popular vote in the competition for the front design of Mephit Fur Meet's official T-shirt.[citation needed]

Convention attendance[edit]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 "About the artist" on Charles Ettinger's personsl webpages. Retrieved October 15, 2011.

External links[edit]

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