Thunderhowl Studios

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Thunderhowl Studios logo
IBFC Redstorm/Thunderhowl group photo
Redstorm Fursuits
Thunderhowl Studios Team

Thunderhowl Studios or Thunderhowl Studios LLC is a fursuit making company started by Skye Cabbit back in 2015. Registered in 2017. Currently run by Skye Cabbit. Skye Cabbit began working for Thunderhowl Studios full time in September 2018 after leaving Redstorm Fursuits LLC. Aiko Wolf Began working full time with Thunderhowl in August 2019 after leaving his full time desk job. The Two continued to work together until April 2022, when the two decided to mutually end their relationship and help each other down the line. Aiko Wolf pursued a new full time job elsewhere and Skye Cabbit will remain the sole owner/creator at Thunderhowl Studios.

Thunderhowl Studios' heads feature in lightweight breathable heads, follow me eyes and a foam moving jaw. Certain aspects of the suits are laser cut or 3d printed for precision and consistency. Yet Each suit has it's own unique 'look' or appearance due to each one being hand shaped in the creation process. Thunderhowl's signature style can be seen in Skye's own suit which has become her signature example for advertising. As of September 2018, Thunderhowl now offers Full plantigrade and digigrade options for commissioners.

Thunderhowl Studios' commissions remain closed but open roughly once a year for about a week at a time. During that week, those interested in commissioning them can apply. Once the application closes, for the week after, Thunderhowl will go through the applications and select 2-15 feasible character designs. Selection is based on if the design is clearly presented and achievable by the team.

Updated information can be found on [ or] Thunderhowl Studios is a Fursuit/costume making company which means we only work with faux fur materials. Thunderhowl costumes are lightweight and hollow and built for performance. Our heads average 2lbs or less even with larger ears. They're also incredibly durable, flexible and waterproof (unless you add LED's).

Our suits are ideal for long duration costuming or for performing while in costume. We offer the option of LED's in the eyes, or even a fan built in.

Our Costume heads feature follow-me eyes and moving jaws. No resin or heavy interior needed to have these effects. Heads are made with various foam types and a magnetic mouth hinge. Bodysuits are made with Zip-on feet for digigrade suits and a zip-on tail option for most tails. These Zip-on features allows for easy cleaning and seamless appearance.


When Thunderhowl Studios first started in 2014, it was solely for art production and sale through Skye Cabbit. At the time she was working on fursuits under Redstorm Fursuits LLC. Skye Cabbit moved from show low to phoenix in March 2018. She intended to still work remotely for Redstormfursuits. This lasted until around October 2018 when she decided to leave Redstorm Fursuits and began doing fursuits on her own for Thunderhowl studios.

Kitkat Cabbit who was 19 at the time, took over Redstorm Fursuits and its money($5345) after Skye Cabbit left the business. Because there was still owed commissions, Kitkat made an agreement with Zaro to pay her $500 from the business account in exchange for her completing a full digigrade fursuit(plus head, paws, tail and feet) FOR Redstorm (to try and help finish owed commissions). Source can be found here. During this split where Skye left Redstorm Fursuits, there was one immediate refund from an artistic freedom otter named "Simon" for $2200 (which was our fullsuit price at the time). Kitkat paid that with the money left over in the business account. The 'split' also involved an agreement where Zaro would take half of the fur and Kitkat would keep half. A few months later, Skye Cabbit finished "Jack Cabbit" on October 6th, 2018 and sent it out to the client. Upon requesting payment from Kitkat Cabbit, he mentioned he didn't have the money and couldn't pay her. He requested that she wait until he is able to sell a premade. Skye agreed and started working on her first "Thunderhowl" suit instead of more Redstorm suits. She had to somehow make money in time for rent (rent was $600, which was slightly overdue already). The premade made by kitkat, was announced on October 13th with an image of a character design. A Cabbit that sported the same Blue and white colors that skye has. At this point in time, Kitkat and Skye were the ONLY two cabbits. By this time, no other cabbits had been made by either Kitkat or skye. This premade cabbit instantly infuriated Skye and lots of people within the fandom who noticed it looked very much like her in design. There was lots of backlash from the community and frustration expressed from skye regarding this suit's design. Kitkat seemed really defensive about the design, even though He had countless different colors he could've chosen to use for the premade. After expressing frustration, Zaro assumed that the blue that he would use for the suit would be much brighter in the final premade than skye's blue since the art shows a brighter blue. Upon assuming this, she encouraged Kitkat to continue with working on the suit.

October 15th rolls around and Kitkat posts Photos of the premade. The premade was made using the same exact colors of fur that skye was made with. Skye Cabbit feels backstabbed, mocked, and dms Kitkat requesting a bigger change on the premade suit. Days pass, lots of arguing, he gets defensive, loads of people notice whats going on and comment on the post. Kitkat gets fed up and agrees to add a black dot on the nose bridge between the eyes. Skye is satisfied with this change and tries to get everyone to leave him alone about it. At this point, Kitkat likely feels that Skye is being overly picky and sent all these people after him. He seems to have blamed Skye for the failure of this suit to sell for decent money. He makes the changes and ends up selling the suit to a close friend of his in colorado for $900. All this could've been avoided had Kitkat remotely mentioned this design to Zaro before deciding to make an almost exact copy as a premade.

After the sale, Kitkat outright refused to pay Zaro for "Jack cabbit"'s completion after selling his blue premade cabbit. To this day Zaro has never been paid for completing "jack cabbit", but can confirm that Kitkat received $2200 usd from that client for the fullsuit. Due to Zaro not being able to pay rent for the next month because Kets didn't pay her, she decided not to work on any more Redstorm fursuit commissions until the $500 for Jack was paid.

Since Zaro/Skye was never paid for jack, she never finished any more commissions for redstorm. Shortly after this premade stuff happened in october, November rolls around and a second commissioner "Kai" of Redstorm hears from "Jack Cabbit" about Skye not being paid for her work and reached out to her. He expressed concern about the bodysuit-only commission that he already paid Redstorm for. Zaro/Skye told "Kai" that she wouldn't be working on any more Redstorm suits until she receives that $500 from Kitkat for that first suit she did for Redstorm. Kai then decided he wanted to get a refund of their $1250 from Kitkat and commission Zaro/Skye instead. Kitkat and his friend Frouzon brought up how awful it was of Skye to allow this chargeback to happen to him (Kitkat). But it really seemed like a series of events that could have been avoided by Kets/Kitkat fulfilling his side of the agreement made. At the time he was attending conventions regularly and conventions are expensive. Skye made a deal with Kitkat and if he couldn't pull his end of what was a very "CHEAP" price for completion of a full digigrade suit (at $500), then at that point it's not any particular person's fault. Kitkat ended up losing access to the Paypal account during 2019 at some point because he didn't file taxes for the year of 2018. Skye completed Kai's bodysuit commission within 3 days and shipped it out Wednesday November 7th, 2018. (Verified by time stamp on this image's properties)

Kitkat Cabbit has since decided to start his own business called Furever Studios. Both Skye and Kitkat started their own businesses near the end of 2018 using the same fursuit making methods and head shape patterns that were originally designed by Skye back in the Redstorm Fursuits days. Both cabbits edited their cabbit patterns slightly and ended up with slightly different looking cabbits built with the same inner structure. The inner structure idea was originally pitched to us by Furry machine, however it wasn't copied from them. The concept itself was taught to us, and through some experimentation, the patterns were created in making Skye Version 1. After the split and the frustrations that occurred in oct-nov 2018, Kitkat tried to tell Zaro/Skye that she cannot use the same methods for making suit heads as he does, NOR can she use the same patterns that SHE designed for the cabbit heads. He wanted Exclusive rights to the patterns and methods. Skye firmly said no since she originally came up with the patterns. Over time, even if we start with the same patterns, they will shift slightly over and over until eventually we'll have two entirely different sets of patterns.

Thunderhowl is Currently run by Skye Cabbit. Skye Cabbit began working for Thunderhowl Studios in August 2018 after leaving Redstorm Fursuits LLC. Aiko Wolf Began working full time with Thunderhowl in August 2019 after leaving his full time desk job. The Two continued to work together until April 2022, when the two decided to mutually end their relationship and pursue different things. Aiko Wolf pursued a new full time job elsewhere and Skye Cabbit will remain the sole owner/creator at Thunderhowl Studios. When the split happened, Thunderhowl was in a dire spot. The emotional tension between the two had been high for over six months, causing emotional fatigue on both of the owners. Thunderhowl though, remains optimistic through the storm and vows to never give up. Quote: "we are always at our sharpest and work hardest through a storm". Both Skye Cabbit and Aiko Wolf will continue helping one another with select projects gradually until assistance is no longer needed.

Guest of Honor[edit]

Thunderhowl Studios was a Guest of Honor at Texas Furry Fiesta 2022.[1]



  1. Guests of Honor - Furry Fiesta 2021's webpage. Retrieved October 10, 2020.

External links[edit]
