ACFI Performance Group

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Unique to Alamo City Furry Invasion, the convention has a staff of fursuit performers who perform scripted skits for entertainment and amusement. It is unique in that the skits tell parts of an ongoing narrative, of which attendees are fully immersed in, not unlike being a spectator in the middle of an interactive play. These skits are scripted and produced by KL Sanchez, who in 2017 acted as Performance Producer for ACFI.[1] Beginning in 2018, the ACFIPG fell under the purview of the Production department, which Sanchez became Director of.

Current Performance Group Staff & Cast[edit]


ACFI integrates performance sketches into the convention's narrative more than other conventions, using a series of scripted events to unfold the narrative. All scripting is handled by KL Sanchez, and the skits are directed primarily by KL Sanchez.

KL Sanchez[edit]

KL Sanchez is an author, artist, musician, and convention staffer for Texas Furry Fiesta and Alamo City Furry Invasion. As of ACFI 2017, he is the Operations lead, as well as Theme & Narrative Development lead; with regards to the ACFI Performers Group, he is the Performance Producer (i.e., lead playwright).

The Performers[edit]

ACFI utilizes a cast of volunteer fursuiters to fill out the roster of performers.

Pop The Otter as Mei Long[edit]

  • As part of the ACFIPG: Pop the Otter performed as Mei Long in all three skits for 2017, and was seen often around the convention floor. He—and Mei Long—are set to return for ACFI 2018.
  • Mei Long Personal bio (FurAffinity character version): A slave early in her life, Mei Long fought for and eventually won her own freedom, and has since traveled the world in search of adventure and wealth. Though she seems shy and harmless, she is anything but, and has proven to be a cunning and capable leader and criminal; albeit, one who shares a perhaps unhealthy fascination with carbonated drinks, sweets, and Chinese foods.

Enro Floxasin[edit]

  • As part of the ACFIPG: Enro performed in all three skits for 2017 in both of his suits as a bandit in the Red Mask Gang, and pulled double duty as Guest of Honor liaison over the weekend.
  • Personal bio: Enro has been a behemoth for as long as he can remember. Underneath the chirpy looking exterior is an altruistic person who loves to build the confidence of others. All-embracing as he is never tilt the scale for Enro can be very relentless with his enemies. Cunning and devious he never fails to get his revenge. When it comes between you and him, never find yourself on the wrong side of his paw.


  • As part of the ACFIPG: Tricky performed as the Sheriff in the skits "The Red Mask Gang" and "Mei Long Kidnaps Path" in 2017, and was seen about the convention floor throughout the weekend.
  • Personal bio: Tricky is a a coyote from Texas. He is particularly mischevious and takes enjoyment from getting into trouble. Under that sleazy face however is just a playful and lovable critter who likes to make people laugh. Tricky is exceptionally friendly and outgoing and is always more than happy to interact with people. He's never in one place for too long, however.

Shade Husky[edit]

  • As part of the ACFIPG: Shade performed in the skit "The Red Mask Gang" in 2017 before being forced to bow out due to health concerns. He returned during closing ceremonies to pie Drummer in the face.
  • Personal bio: Shade was born in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness. He's 16. He loves pulling pranks, wrestling/horsing around and being mischievous. His parents consisted of his mom, a Siberian husky and his father, a wolf dog. Shade doesn't show any of his fathers characteristics at all, but his behavior can sometimes reflect it. He can get angry very quickly, and sometimes wreckless. His mother was always concerned for him when he was a pup when he would have those moments, because he would get so frustrated it would be almost impossible to calm him down. But his mother was very patient and loving towards him. Always nurturing him and raising him the best that she could. His father wasn't really around to help with those issues either. He is always terrified of people finding out that is part wolf, even if it is such a small percentage. He doesn't want to be like his father. But now, he's usually happy and loves to have fun, even with the occasional anger issue. He's happy to have friends around him, even in the worst of times.


  • As part of the ACFIPG: Spree performed during the skits "The Red Mask Gang" and "Mei Long Kidnaps Path" in 2017, and was seen throughout the weekend on the convention floor.
  • Personal bio: Spree meant to write something, then ate his homework. Bad dog.

Past Staff & Performers[edit]

The ACFIPG changes subtly year to year; here, the final rosters of each convention year are recorded.

ACFIPG 2017[edit]

The skits each performer appeared in for 2017 were:

External Links[edit]


  1. The Alamo City Furry Invasion official website