Soviet furs

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Revision as of 12:08, 25 April 2006 by Ricadonna (Talk | contribs)

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Soviet Furs is a furry community who harbor an interest in Soviet era Russia and East Germany for historical, militaristic, strategic, living history, reenactment, culture, language, artistic or fetish reasons. The first public gathering of fans was on a Livejournal community in July of 2005, but was created early on as June by Ricadonna and Renarden. Since February of 2006 Soviet Furs "allied" with the Nazi Furs group, supporting each others and together support fans of anthropomorphs who also enjoy Eurasian War History.

The Soviet Furs group does not promote Communism, War Communism, Socialism, a divided Germany, deny Gulag, or glorify Soviet Union figures such as Lenin and Stalin. The group is simply for those with interest in the former Soviet Union and East Germany for followed reasons stated above. It is neither a "rival group" of Nazi Furs.

Moderating the group is Ricadonna, Ratiries, Renarden and Frenzee, who also did the layout designs for the community. Nazi Furs also used similar format for their layout designs which was approved.

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