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Xylex is a non-anthropomorphic lightning dragon.

He is 234 years old, and is considered 'Adult' by his species standards.

He stands at 11 meters tall to the top of his horns. His wingspan stretches to 60 meters. His tail is 7 meters long. He weighs roughly 2000KGs

His body is covered primarily a very thick, thermally conductive 'hide' which is extremely tough and resistive to sharp objects. He has blue scale plates that cover his underside from his chin, down his neck and underbelly, following the tail to it's tip. His snout, also has 3 scale plates across it as well as each individual digit. This scale plates are extremely hard, and are impenetrable. They are only weak against extreme cold or specific corrosive fluids.

Xylex's species are considered 'geothermal' and will regularly bathe in lava pools to help restore part of their body's required energy. This is required for their lightning attacks to work. They still require nutrition from either fruits, or primarily other animals.

They also have a very thick lining of blue fur that begins at the top of their head and run down the length of the spine, ending at 85% the length of the tail. This fur is a very special material that is 'thermal neutral' in nature. It will not allow thermal energy to pass through it, or raise it's temperature. This helps protect the spine, and brain from the heat absorbed by the lava. This fur will only grow to about 23cm (9 in) but will grow back if cut. Further, this material is extremely soft and plush to the touch. A good place for a small friend to sleep in colder weather.

Xylex is able to breathe fire, as any dragon would, and uses this ability as his primary mode of combat, and defense. Lightning attacks will only be used in desperate situations.

His wings are solid black, decorated with narrow blue stripes. These blue stripes also decorate his sides, forelegs, and hindlegs.

Xyex is very cautious by nature, but over protective of others who earn his trust.