Talk:Sora the Folf

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Common Q and A

Q: Who made your suit?

A: Sugar Sweet Studios made the head, paws, and tail. The body was made by myself.

Q: I love your hair. why the green?

A: Thank you, the green is actually UV reactive. I wanted something that would stand out as a contrast.

Q: The phoenix was really cool, why the folf?

A: I still have the phoenix. My desire for a suit, meant I had to do something. The phoenix suit was too complex, and too expensive. So, as I really love foxes, and feel a kinship toward them, I made Sora. Which was a much more simple suit, and easier to achieve. The phoenix will come at a later time.

Q: What's it like, wearing the head?

A: It's not too bad, actually. I can see quite well. I can actually see better wearing the head, than I can without the head and without my glasses.