
From WikiFur, the furry encyclopedia.
Revision as of 05:49, 26 May 2021 by Charem (Talk | contribs)

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Due to the severely-outdated and somewhat-crass way this page was written (I have no wiki-editing experience and it was written by an old friend), I, Charem, would like my page blanked until I can maybe have an updated and more professional page made by someone more capable than me of wiki-editing.

If my identity for this edit is called into question (or in other words, if anybody feels this edit and request is a troll), please contact me at any site I'm known to be on and I'll confirm my intentions there as well.

I apologize for this messy edit (again, no experience) and would suggest a full page-blank be done here when a staff member gets around to seeing this. Thank you very much for understanding and helping me out.