Art piracy

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Art piracy, also known as art theft, copyright infringement, or just simply piracy, is the illegal use of works protected by copyright law without permission for usage where such permission is required, thereby infringing certain exclusive rights granted to the copyright holder, such as the right to reproduce, distribute, display or perform the protected work, or to make derivative works.

The copyright holder is typically the work's creator, or a publisher or other business to whom copyright has been assigned. Copyright holders routinely invoke legal and technological measures to prevent and penalize copyright infringement.

Art piracy and furry

A number of furry artists post to newsgroups, public forums, art archives and social media, that they do not want their artwork to be redistributed and/or stamp "Do Not Redistribute" into scans of their artwork, but these requests are often unheeded by art sharing sites (see Image boards). However, some of these sites have taken to the practice of allowing artists to "opt-out" by being put on a DNP list.

See also

External links

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