List of characters in Yosh!

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This is going to be an attempt to list many of the characters in Yosh!. I am very unfamiliar with wiki fur, so this may take a while. There were some character lists on a few other websites.

URL's are changing[edit]

The Katbox site is being reorganized (15-February-2019), and this means that the URL's for the references will have to be changed. The site can be viewed at instead of the normal location at, which isn't working at this moment. For the links that won't work at this time. I have now edited the bulk of the links to use

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  • Paste the URL for the link in the address bar of the new page. Then change katbox to katboxad and click on the URL.

The Main Characters[edit]


Phil is the main character of the story. He is the Null, which means that magic is unable to affect him. Due to PenPen's training regimen, he is highly resistant to physical damage as well.



Shiden is an extremely successful and extremely rich inventor. His creations include thousands of robots.

The Maji[edit]

Celestial Mage[edit]

The Celestial Mage is also known as The Saint. The current Celestial Mage is Naoko Kobayashi, who is known as Naoko.


Demon Mage[edit]

The Demon Mage is also known as The Vile. The current Demon Mage is Axel Peterson, known as Axel.


Maji of Life and Death[edit]

A pair of twins who have the power to kill or bring back to life.


Maji of Earth[edit]

The current Maji of Earth is Hugo Van Regal, who is known as Hue.


Maji of Fire[edit]

The current Maji of Fire is Serena.


  • Family Matters (Comic 1186) Serena's mother knows the families of the other Magi.
  • Lost In The Mist (Comic 1428) Serena, Emi, and Lia work things out with their inner powers

A previous Magi of Fire was Josephus.

  • Kaboom (Comic 981) Axel separates Josephus from his magic and the magic escapes. Cain kills Josephus.

Maji of Power[edit]

The current Magi of Power is Emi Koya, who is known as Emi.


  • Emi (Comic 503)

There was a previous Magi of Power.

Maji of Water[edit]

The current Maji of Water is Messily Venelli, who is known as Lia.



  • Robot Girl This was a discussion of robot girls in general that appeared in All The Tropes..


Part of the group of robots brought in to deal with Lillith.



A combat robot that serves as Shiden's bodyguard.



Lillith was a combat robot with big problems. She didn't like Shiden and wanted to kill him. Phil teamed up with the other robots and managed to capture her. After Lillith underwent the equivalent of brain surgery, she became more rational and was no longer obsessed with killing Shiden. She still doesn't like him.



Part of the group of robots brought in to deal with Lillith.



The first robot to be built.



The second robot to be built. Nami was concerned that Shiden might have installed secret mind control software in the girl robots.



Part of the group of robots brought in to deal with Lillith.



Cain built a robot by studying Shiden's designs and managed to place the soul of his dead sister in the robot. She has very little memory of her old life, and is now living with the other robots in Shiden's Yorktown home.


  • Meet Cute Rieko (Comic 172)] Cain built a robot girl containing his sister's soul.


Part of the group of robots brought in to deal with Lillith.



Part of the group of robots brought in to deal with Lillith.



Toyoko is very much in love with Shiden.



She has a miniturized body that is so small that her brain has to be placed in a nearby container.


Cat Girls[edit]

When the Weirding occurred, a number of people were transformed into "animal chimeras", people who appeared to be anthromorphosized animals. This included cat girls and fox girls, but Rieko is actually a robot who looks like a fox girl.

Janelle Carrell[edit]

Janelle Carrell is also known as Blue. She is also very uninhibited, much to the consternation of others.


  • Blue (Comic 270) First Appearance

Kate Summers[edit]

Kate Summers, also known as Kate, is Phil's girl friend.


Unexpected Reunion (Comic 526) Meeting with her father


Since knowing a demon's true name can give you power over them, demons are very reluctant to give their names. For that reason, the names listed below are their nicknames or a descriptive phrase. Demons come from the demon plane of existence. Travel between the demon plane and earth had been halted a few hundred years before the story starts.


Demoness is a female demon (the name should be fairly obvious) who is bound to Axel, the Demon Magi.



Penpen appears to be a penguin, but is actually the heir to the throne of the Demon King. He is also known as The Archer.


  • Archer (Comic 487) Penpen appears as The Archer.

The Demon From Axel's Head[edit]

When the Weirding occurred, this demon took possession of Axel with the intention of using him as a gateway from the Demon world to Earth, a process that would have killed Axel. Axel was able to stop the demon with the assistance of Demoness by trapping him in a mental cage.

(If he was also a Demon Prince Does that mean that there were four demon princes. He apparently isn't an heir, though.)


  • Gateway (Comic 242) First appearance of the demon
  • Imprisoned (Comic 205) Trapped in a mental maze - Demoness refers to him as a Demon Prince.

The Angry Demon Prince[edit]

A cousin of Penpen. After having been imprisoned in a stone prison by a previous Magi of Earth, he was very angry when the current Magi of Earth accidentally released him.


  • Victory (Comic 851) He is banished

The Scholarly Demon Prince[edit]

This was another demon prince (cousin of Penpen) who was trapped on earth as a spirit for hundreds of years before the story started.


  • Nothin Is Free (Comic 793) Meets Demoness. Indicates that he knows that The Archer and Penpen are the same.




  • Meet Cute Rieko (Comic 172)] Cain built a robot girl containing his sister's soul.
  • Artifact Heaven's Fire (Comic 464) Cain accepts assistance of Life and Death and starts a new line of robots